Netsh commands for Routing
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2
You can use the Netsh commands for Routing to administer routing servers from the command line, rather than through the Routing and Remote Access console. Administering servers from the command line is most useful in the following situations:
You can administer routing servers more quickly from the command line than you can using a console. The ability is especially important if you are using a slow-speed network link, for example, a connection over a wide area network (WAN).
You can administer routing servers more consistently by incorporating these commands into a script that you can run on many servers.
You can use the following commands at the command prompt for the appropriate Netsh context to administer routing servers. To run these Netsh commands on a remote Windows 2000 Server, you must first use Remote Desktop Connection to connect to a Windows 2000 Server that is running Terminal server. There might be functional differences between Netsh context commands on Windows 2000 and the Windows Server 2003 family.
For more information on Netsh, see Netsh overview and Enter a netsh context.
The following commands are available for use in the Netsh Routing IP IGMP context.
To view the command syntax, click a command:
add interface
delete interface
set interface
set global
show interface
show global
show ifstats
show iftable
show grouptable
show rasgrouptable
show proxygrouptable
Configures IGMP on the specified interface.
add interface [InterfaceName=][InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [[IgmpPrototype=]{igmprtrv1 | igmprtrv2 | igmprtrv3 | igmpproxy}] [[IfEnabled=]{enable | disable}] [[RobustVar=]Integer] [[GenQueryInterval=]Integer] [[GenQueryRespTime=]Integer] [[StartUpQueryCount=]Integer] [[StartUpQueryInterval=]Integer] [[LastMemQueryCount=]Integer] [[**LastMemQueryInterval=**Integer] [[AccNonRtrAlertPkts=]{yes | no}]
- [ InterfaceName=][ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies the name of the interface on which you want to configure IGMP. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ IgmpPrototype=]{ igmprtrv1| igmprtrv2| igmprtrv3| igmpproxy}
Specifies the type of protocol to be configured on the interface. The default type is igmprtrv2.
- [ IfEnabled=]{ enable| disable}
Specifies whether the protocol you are configuring should be enabled or disabled. The default is enabled.
- [ RobustVar=]= Integer
Specifies the robustness variable. The value should be greater than zero (0). The default value is 2.
- [ GenQueryInterval=] Integer
Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which general queries should be sent on the interface. The default value is 125 seconds.
- [ GenQueryRespTime=] Integer
Specifies the maximum response time, in seconds, by which hosts should respond to a general query. The default value is 10 seconds.
- [ StartUpQueryCount=] Integer
Specifies the number of general queries that will be sent during startup. The default value is 2.
- [ StartUpQueryInterval=] Integer
Specifies the interval, in seconds, between general queries sent during startup. The default value is 31 seconds.
- [ LastMemQueryCount=] Integer
Specifies the number of group-specific queries sent when notice of a host leaving the group is received. The default value is 2.
- [ LastMemQueryInterval=] Integer
Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, between group-specific queries. The default value is 1000 milliseconds.
- [ AccNonRtrAlertPkts=]{ yes| no}
Specifies whether to accept IGMP packets that might not have the router alert option set. The default is yes.
To modify the default startup query interval to 21 seconds for use with IGMP configuration of the interface named Local Area Connection, type:
add interface "Local Area Connection" startupqueryinterval=21
Installs an IGMP router/proxy and sets global logging. Used without parameters, install installs the IGMP router/proxy and specifies that errors related to IGMP are logged but no other IGMP-related events are logged.
install [[LogLevel=]{none | error | warn | info}]
- [ LogLevel=]{ none| error| warn| info}
Specifies which events should be logged. The none parameter specifies no events related to IGMP should be logged. The error parameter specifies that only errors related to IGMP should be logged. The warn parameter specifies that only warnings related to IGMP should be logged. The info parameter specifies that all events related to IGMP should be logged.
Removes an IGMP router or proxy from the specified interface.
delete interface [InterfaceName=][InterfaceName=]InterfaceName
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, an interface from which you want to remove an IGMP router or proxy. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
delete interface "Local Area Connection"
Removes IGMP router/proxy from all interfaces.
Changes interface configuration parameters.
set interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [[IgmpPrototype=]{igmprtrv1 | igmprtrv2 | igmprtrv3 | igmpproxy}] [[IfEnabled=]{enable | disable}] [[RobustVar=]Integer] [[GenQueryInterval=]Integer] [[GenQueryRespTime=]Integer] [[StartUpQueryCount=]Integer] [[StartUpQueryInterval=]Integer] [[LastMemQueryCount=]Integer] [[LastMemQueryInterval=]Integer] [[AccNonRtrAlertPkts=]{yes | no}]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies the name of the interface on which you want to configure IGMP. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ IgmpPrototype=]{ igmprtrv1| igmprtrv2| igmprtrv3| igmpproxy}
Specifies the type of protocol to be configured on the interface. The default type is igmprtrv2.
- [ IfEnabled=]{ enable| disable}
Specifies whether the protocol you are configuring should be enabled or disabled. The default is enabled.
- [ RobustVar=] Integer
Specifies the robustness variable. The value should be greater than zero (0). The default value is 2.
- [ GenQueryInterval=] Integer
Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which general queries should be sent on the interface. The default value is 125 seconds.
- [ GenQueryRespTime=] Integer
Specifies the maximum response time, in seconds, by which hosts should respond to a general query. The default value is 10 seconds.
- [ StartUpQueryCount=] Integer
Specifies the number of general queries that will be sent during startup. The default value is 2.
- [ StartUpQueryInterval=] Integer
Specifies the interval, in seconds, between general queries sent during startup. The default value is 31 seconds.
- [ LastMemQueryCount=] Integer
Specifies the number of group-specific queries sent when notice of a host leaving the group is received. The default value is 2.
- [ LastMemQueryInterval=] Integer
Specifies the interval, in milliseconds, between group-specific queries. The default value is 1,000 milliseconds.
- [ AccNonRtrAlertPkts=]{ yes| no}
Specifies whether to accept IGMP packets that do not have the router alert option set. The default is to accept those packets.
To modify the default startup query interval to 21 seconds for use with IGMP configuration of an interface named Local Area Connection, type:
set interface "Local Area Connection" startupqueryinterval=21
Sets IGMP global parameters. Used without parameters, set global specifies that warnings are logged but that no other events related to IGMP are logged.
set global [LogLevel=]{none | error | warn | info}
- [ LogLevel=]{ none| error| warn| info}
Required. Specifies which events should be logged. The none parameter specifies that no events related to IGMP should be logged. The error parameter specifies that only errors related to IGMP should be logged. The warn parameter specifies that only warnings related to IGMP should be logged. The info parameter specifies that all events related to IGMP should be logged.
Displays the IGMP configuration of the specified interface. Used without parameters, show interface displays IGMP configuration information for all interfaces.
show interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for you want to display information. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
Displays the global IGMP parameters.
show global
Displays IGMP statistics for the specified interface. Used without parameters, show ifstats shows IGMP statistics once for all interfaces.
show ifstats [[Index=]Integer] [[Rr=]Integer]
- [ Index=] Integer
Specifies a number identifying the interface for which you want to display information.
- [ Rr=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
To show IGMP statistics every 5 seconds for an interface with an index value of 1001, type:
show ifstats index=1001 rr=5
Shows IGMP host groups for a specified interface. Used without parameters, show iftable shows IGMP host groups for all interfaces once.
show iftable [[Index=]Integer] [[Rr=]Integer]
- [ Index=] Integer
Specifies, by index number, the interface for which you want to display information.
- [ Rr=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
To show IGMP host groups every 5 seconds for an interface with an index value of 1001, type:
show iftable index=1001 rr=5
Shows the IGMP hosts group table for a multicast group. Used without parameters, show grouptable shows the IGMP hosts group tables once for all multicast groups on all interfaces associated with the router.
show grouptable [[Index=]Integer] [[Rr=]Integer]
- [ Index=] Integer
Specifies, by IP address, the multicast group for which you want to display information.
- [ Rr=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
To display the IGMP hosts group table every 5 seconds for an IGMP multicast group identified by the IP address of, type:
show grouptable index= rr=5
Displays the hosts group table for a remote access client interface. Used without parameters, show rasgrouptable displays the hosts group tables once for all remote access client interfaces.
show rasgrouptable [[Index=]IPAddress] [[Rr=]Integer]
- [ Index=] IPAddress
Specifies, by IP address, the remote access client interface for which you want to display information.
- [ Rr=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
To display the hosts group table for a remote access client interface with an IP address of and to refresh the information every five seconds, type:
show rasgrouptable index= rr=5
Displays the IGMP hosts group table for an IGMP proxy interface. Used without parameters, show proxygrouptable displays information for all interfaces once.
show proxygrouptable [[InterfaceName=]InterfaceName] [[Rr=]Integer]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to display information.
- [ Rr=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
To display IGMP hosts group tables for all IGMP proxy interfaces and to refresh the information every five seconds, type:
show proxygrouptable rr=5
The following commands are available for use in the Netsh Routing IP Routerdiscovery context.
To view the command syntax, click a command:
add interface
set interface
delete interface
show interface
Configures router discovery for the specified interface.
add interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [[Disc=]{enable | disable}] [[MinInt=]Integer] [[MaxInt=]Integer] [[Life=]Integer] [[Level=]Integer]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to configure router discovery. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ Disc=]{ enable| disable}
Specifies whether router discovery should occur on this interface. The enable parameter specifies that router discovery should occur, and the disable parameter specifies that router discovery should not occur.
- [ MinInt=] Integer
Specifies a minimum interval, in minutes, between when router discovery packets are sent.
- [ MaxInt=] Integer
Specifies a maximum interval, in minutes, between when router discovery packets are sent.
- [ Life=] Integer
Specifies the number of minutes for which a router discovery packet sent from this router or server is valid.
- [ Level=] Integer
Specifies a number indicating preference for using this interface as the default gateway. Where multiple interfaces are enabled for router discovery, a higher number used here indicates a higher level of preference.
- When added, router discovery advertisements are sent at random times bounded by the set minimum and maximum intervals.
To enable router discovery for the Local Area Connection interface, specifying a minimum interval of 7 minutes, a maximum interval of 10 minutes, a life of 30 minutes for router discovery packets, and a zero (0) or no preference level, type:
add interface "Local Area Connection" enable 7 10 30 0
Configures router-discovery for an interface.
set interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [[Disc=]{enable | disable}] [[MinInt=]Integer] [[MaxInt=]Integer] [[Life=]Integer] [[Level=]Integer]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to configure router discovery. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ Disc=]{ enable| disable}
Specifies whether router discovery should occur on this interface. The enable parameter specifies that router discovery should occur, and the disable parameter specifies that router discovery should not occur.
- [ MinInt=] Integer
Specifies, in minutes, a minimum interval between when router discovery packets are sent.
- [ MaxInt=] Integer
Specifies, in minutes, a maximum interval between when router discovery packets are sent.
- [ Life=] Integer
Specifies, in minutes, how long a router discovery packet sent from this router or server is valid.
- [ Level=] Integer
Specifies a number indicating preference for using this interface as the default gateway. A higher number used here specifies a higher level of preference.
To enable router discovery for the Local Area Connection interface, specifying a minimum interval of 7 minutes, a maximum interval of 10 minutes, a life of 30 minutes for router discovery packets, and a zero (0) or no preference level, type:
set interface "Local Area Connection" enable 7 10 30 0
Deletes router-discovery configuration.
delete interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to delete router-discovery configuration. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
To delete the router-discovery configuration for an interface named Local Area Connection, type:
delete interface name="Local Area Connection"
Displays router-discovery information. Used without parameters, show interface displays information for all interfaces.
show interface [[InterfaceName=]InterfaceName]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to display information. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
To display router-discovery information for an interface named Local Area Connection, type:
show interface "Local Area Connection"
The following commands are available for use in the Netsh Routing IP RIP context.
To view the command syntax, click a command:
add peerfilter
add acceptfilter
add announcefilter
add neighbor
add interface
add helper
delete peerfilter
delete acceptfilter
delete announcefilter
delete neighbor
delete interface
delete helper
set interface
set flags
set global
show interface
show flags
show global
show ifstats
show ifbinding
Adds a filter for servers that can be accepted as peers.
add peerfilter [Server=]IPAddress
- [ Server=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies, by IP address, the peer server whose traffic you want to filter.
Adds an acceptance filter for routes received on an interface.
add acceptfilter [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [Addr=]IPAddress1IPAddress2
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, an interface where RIP is available for use. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ Addr=] IPAddress1IPAddress2
Required. Specifies an IP address pairing. The first address is for the low IP address, and the second address is for the high IP address to use in building the filter.
To add an acceptance filter for an interface named Local Area Connection for an IP range of to, type:
add acceptfilter "Local Area Connection"
Adds a filter for routes announced on an interface.
add announcefilter [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [Addr=]IPAddress1IPAddress2
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies the name of an interface where RIP is available for use. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ Addr=] IPAddress1IPAddress2
Required. Specifies an IP address pairing. The first address is for the low IP address, and the second address is for the high IP address to use in building the filter.
To add a filter for routes announced on an interface named Local Area Connection for a range of IP addresses from to, type:
add announcefilter Local Area Connection
Adds a RIP neighbor on an interface.
add neighbor [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [addr=]IPAddress
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, an interface where RIP is available for use. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ addr=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the IP address of the RIP neighbor you want to add.
To add a RIP neighbor located at an IP address of for an interface named Local Area Connection, type:
add neighbor "Local Area Connection"
Adds RIP to a specified interface.
add interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [[Metric=]Integer] [[UpdateMode=]{demand | periodic}] [[Announce=]{none | rip1 | rip1compat | rip2}] [[Accept=]{none | rip1 | rip1compat | rip2}] [[Expire=]Integer] [[Remove=]Integer] [[Update=]Integer] [[AuthMode=]{authnone | authsimplepassword}] [[Tag=]Integer] [[Unicast=]{also | only | disable}] [[AccFiltMode=]{include | exclude | disable}] [[AnnFiltMode=]{include | exclude | disable}] [[Password=]String]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface on which to add RIP. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ Metric=] Integer
Specifies a metric value for routes based on this interface.
- [ UpdateMode=]{ demand| periodic}
Specifies when updates will occur. The demand parameter specifies that updates should occur on demand. The periodic parameter specifies that updates should occur at regular intervals.
- [ Announce=]{ none| rip1| rip1compat| rip2}
Specifies which routes should be announced. The none parameter specifies that all routes should be announced. The rip1 parameter specifies that only RIP version 1 routes should be announced. The rip1compat parameter specifies that announcements should be made in RIP version-compatible mode. The rip2 parameter specifies that only RIP version 2 routes should be announced.
- [ Accept=]{ none| rip1| rip1compat| rip2}
Specifies which routes should be accepted. The none parameter specifies that all routes should be accepted. The rip1 parameter specifies that only RIP version 1 routes should be accepted. The rip1compat parameter specifies that routes should be accepted in RIP version-compatible mode. The rip2 parameter specifies that only RIP version 2 routes should be accepted.
- [ Expire=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, the route expiration interval.
- [ Remove=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, the route removal interval.
- [ Update=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, the full update interval.
- [ AuthMode=]{ authnone| authsimplepassword}
Specifies whether authorization should be required. The authnone parameter specifies that no authorization should be required. The authsimplepassword parameter specifies that password authorization should be required.
- [ Tag=] Integer
Specifies the route tag.
- [ Unicast=]{ also| only| disable}
Specifies the unicast mode. The also parameter specifies use also unicast mode. The only parameter specifies use only unicast mode. The disable parameter specifies that unicast mode should be disabled.
- [ AccFiltMode=]{ include| exclude| disable}
Specifies whether acceptance filters should be included or disabled. The include parameter specifies that acceptance filters should be included. The exclude parameter specifies that acceptance filters should not be included. The disable parameter specifies that acceptance filters should be disabled.
- [ AnnFiltMode=]{ include| exclude| disable}
Specifies whether announcement filters should be included or disabled. The include parameter specifies that announcement filters should be included. The exclude parameter specifies that announcement filters should not be included. The disable parameter specifies that announcement filters should be disabled.
- [ Password=] String
Specifies a plaintext password no longer than 16 characters.
Installs a helper DLL under RIP.
add helperDLLName
- DLLName
Required. Specifies a DLL that supports this context.
Deletes a filter for an accepted peer server.
delete peerfilter [Server=]IPAddress
- [ Server=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies, by IP address, the peer server whose traffic you do not want to filter.
Deletes an acceptance filter for routes received on a specified interface.
delete acceptfilter [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [Addr=]IPAddress1IPAddress2
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, an interface where RIP is available for use. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ Addr=] IPAddress1IPAddress2
Required. Specifies an IP address pairing. The first address is for the low IP address, and the second address is for the high IP address used in building the filter.
To delete an acceptance filter for the IP ranges of to on an interface named Local Area Connection, type:
delete acceptfilter "Local Area Connection"
Deletes an announcement filter set for an interface.
delete announcefilter [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [Addr=]IPAddress1IPAddress2
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies the name of an interface where RIP is available for use. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ Addr=] IPAddress1IPAddress2
Required. Specifies an IP address pairing. The first address specifies the low IP address, and the second address specifies the high IP address used in building the filter.
To delete an announcement filter for the IP range to for an interface named Local Area Connection, type:
delete announcefilter "Local Area Connection"
Deletes a RIP neighbor from an interface.
delete neighbor [InterfaceName=]InterfaceNameIPAddress
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, an interface where RIP is available for use. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- IPAddress
Required. Specifies, by IP address, the RIP neighbor to delete.
To delete a RIP neighbor located at for an interface named Local Area Connection, type:
delete neighbor "Local Area Connection"
Removes RIP from the specified interface.
delete interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, an interface from which you want to remove RIP. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
Removes a specified helper DLL from Netsh.
delete helperHelperName
- HelperName
Required. Specifies, by file name, the helper DLL to remove.
Configures RIP on a specified interface.
set interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [[Metric=]Integer] [[UpdateMode=]{demand | periodic}] [[Announce=]{none | rip1 | rip1compat | rip2}] [[Accept=]{none | rip1 | rip1compat | rip2}] [[Expire=]Integer] [[Remove=]Integer] [[Update=]Integer] [[AuthMode=]{authnone | authsimplepassword}] [[Tag=]Integer] [[Unicast=]{also | only | disable}] [[AccFiltMode=]{include | exclude | disable}] [[AnnFiltMode=]{include | exclude | disable}] [[Password=]String]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface on which to configure RIP. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ Metric=] Integer
Specifies a metric value for routes based on this interface.
- [ UpdateMode=]{ demand| periodic}
Specifies when updates should occur. The demand parameter specifies that updates should occur on demand. The periodic parameter specifies that updates should occur at regular intervals.
- [ Announce=]{ none| rip1| rip1compat| rip2}
Specifies which routes should be announced. The none parameter specifies that all routes should be announced. The rip1 parameter specifies that only RIP version 1 routes should be announced. The rip1compat parameter specifies that announcements should be made in RIP version-compatible mode. The rip2 parameter specifies that only RIP version 2 routes should be announced.
- [ Accept=]{ none| rip1| rip1compat| rip2}
Specifies which routes should be accepted. The none parameter specifies that all routes should be accepted. The rip1 parameter specifies that only RIP version 1 routes should be accepted. The rip1compat parameter specifies that acceptance should occur using RIP version-compatible mode. The rip2 parameter specifies that only RIP version 2 routes should be accepted.
- [ Expire=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how much time should elapse before the route expires.
- [ Remove=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how much time should elapse before the route is removed.
- [ Update=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how often full updates occur.
- [ AuthMode=]{ authnone| authsimplepassword}
Specifies whether authorization should be required. The authnone parameter specifies that no authorization should be required. The authsimplepassword parameter specifies that password authorization should be required.
- [ Tag=] Integer
Specifies the route tag.
- [ Unicast=]{ also| only| disable}
Specifies the unicast mode. The also parameter specifies use also unicast mode. The only parameter specifies use only unicast mode. The disable parameter specifies that unicast mode should be disabled.
- [ AccFiltMode=]{ include| exclude| disable}
Specifies whether acceptance filters should be included. The include parameter specifies that acceptance filters should be included. The exclude parameter specifies that acceptance filters should not be included. The disable parameter specifies that acceptance filters should be disabled.
- [ AnnFiltMode=]{ include| exclude| disable}
Specifies whether announcement filters should be included or disabled. The include parameter specifies that announcement filters should be included. The exclude parameter specifies that announcement filters should not be included. The disable parameter specifies that announcement filters should be disabled.
- [ Password=] String
Specifies a plaintext password no longer than 16 characters long.
To modify the RIP configuration on the interface named Local Area Connection, specifying a metric value of 2 and that updates should occur on demand, type:
set interface "Local Area Connection" metric=2 updatemode=periodic
Sets RIP-related flags for a specified interface.
set flags [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [clear,][splithorizon,][poisonreverse,][triggeredupdates,][cleanupupdates][accepthostroutes,][acceptdefaultroutes,][senddefaultroutes,][nosubnetsummary]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface on which to set flags. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ clear,][ splithorizon,][ poisonreverse,][ triggeredupdates,][ cleanupupdates,][ accepthostroutes,][ acceptdefaultroutes,][ senddefaultroutes,][ nosubnetsummary]
Specifies policies for RIP-related flags. The clear parameter specifies that all set RIP flags should be cleared. The splithorizon parameter specifies that RIP for split horizon should be enabled. The poisonreverse parameter specifies that RIP for poison reverse should be enabled. The triggeredupdates parameter specifies that RIP triggered updates should occur. The cleanupupdates parameter specifies that cleanup updates for RIP should occur. The accepthostroutes parameter specifies that host routes should be accepted. The acceptdefaultroutes parameter specifies that default routes should be accepted. The senddefaultroutes parameter specifies that default routes should be sent. The nosubnetsummary parameter specifies that subnet summarization should not occur.
- The last policy parameter should not have a comma after it.
Sets global RIP parameters.
set global {[[loglevel=]{none | error | warn | info}] | [[mintrig=]Integer] | [[peermode=]{include | exclude | disable}]}
- [ loglevel=]{ none| error| warn| info}
Specifies which RIP events should be logged. The none parameter specifies that no RIP events should be logged. The error parameter specifies that only errors related to RIP should be logged. The warn parameter specifies that only warnings related to RIP should be logged. The info parameter specifies that all events related to RIP should be logged.
- [ mintrig=] Integer
Specifies, in minutes, the minimum amount of time that should elapse between triggers.
- [ peermode=]{ include| exclude| disable}
Specifies whether peers should be included and whether peer mode should be disabled. The include parameter specifies that peers should be included.The exclude parameter specifies that peers should not be included.The disable parameter specifies that peer mode should be disabled.
Shows RIP configuration for the specified interface. Used without parameters, show interface displays configuration information for all interfaces.
show interface [[InterfaceName=]InterfaceName]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Specifies, by name, the interface whose information you want to display. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
Displays RIP flags set for a specified interface. Used without parameters, show flags displays information for all interfaces.
show flags [[InterfaceName=]InterfaceName]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to display information. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
Shows RIP global parameters.
show global
Displays RIP statistics for a specified interface. Used without parameters, show ifstats displays information once for all interfaces.
show ifstats [[Index=]Integer] [[Rr=]Integer]
- [ Index=] Integer
Specifies, by index number, the interface for which you want to display information.
- [ Rr=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
- To list the index value for each interface, use the show interface command in the Netsh Interface IP context.
To display RIP statistics every 5 seconds for an interface with an index value of 1, type:
show ifstats index=1 rr=5
Displays RIP interface IP address binding. Used without parameters, show ifbinding displays information once for all interfaces.
show ifbinding [[Index=]Integer] [[Rr=]Integer]
- [ Index=] Integer
Specifies, by index number, the interface for which you want to display information.
- [ Rr=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
- To list the index value for each interface, use the show interface command in the Netsh Interface IP context.
To display the bindings every 5 seconds for an interface with an index value of 1, type:
show ifbinding index=1 rr=5
The following commands are available for use in the Netsh Routing IP DHCP Relay Agent context.
To view the command syntax, click a command:
add dhcpserver
add interface
delete interface
delete dhcpserver
set global
set interface
show interface
show global
show ifconfig
show ifbinding
show ifstats
Adds a DHCP server to the list of DHCP servers whose messages will be forwarded by DHCP Relay Agent.
add dhcpserverIPAddress
- IPAddress
Required. Specifies, by IP address, the DHCP server you want to add.
Enables DHCP Relay Agent on the specified interface.
add interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface on which you want to enable DHCP Relay Agent.
Disables DHCP Relay Agent on the specified interface.
delete interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface on which you want to disable DHCP Relay Agent. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
Removes a DHCP server from the list of DHCP servers whose messages will be forwarded by DHCP Relay Agent.
delete dhcpserverIPAddress
- IPAddress
Required. Specifies, by IP address, the DHCP server to be deleted.
Sets global parameters for DHCP Relay Agent configuration.
set global [LogLevel=]{none | error | warn | info}
- [ LogLevel=]{ none| error| warn| info}
Required. Specifies which DHCP Relay Agent events should be logged. The none parameter specifies that no events related to DHCP Relay Agent should be logged. The error parameter specifies that only errors related to DHCP Relay Agent should be logged. The warn parameter specifies that only warnings related to DHCP Relay Agent should be logged. The info parameter specifies that all events related to DHCP Relay Agent should be logged.
Updates the DHCP Relay Agent configuration on an interface.
set interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [relaymode=]{enable | disable} [[maxhop=]Integer] [[minsecs=]Integer]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface on which you want to update the configuration of DHCP Relay Agent. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ relaymode=]{ enable| disable}
Required. Specifies whether the DHCP Relay Agent is enabled or disabled. The enable parameter specifies that DHCP Relay Agent should be enabled for this interface. The disable parameter disables DHCP Relay Agent for this interface.
- [ maxhop=] Integer
Specifies the number of hops a DHCP packet can make before it should be dropped and should no longer be relayed.
- [ minsecs=] Integer
Specifies the minimum number of seconds from boot time that must appear in a DHCP packet before it should be sent to a DHCP server in the list of servers whose messages will be forwarded by DHCP Relay Agent.
To update the DHCP Relay Agent configuration on the interface named Local Area Connection with a maximum hop count of 16 and a value of 4 seconds for the minimum seconds from boot time, type:
set interface Local Area Connection enable 16 4
Displays configuration information for DHCP Relay Agent on the specified interface.
show interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to display information. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
Displays DHCP Relay Agent global configuration.
show global [[Rr=]Integer]
- [ Rr=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
Displays DHCP Relay Agent configuration information for the specified interface. Used without parameters, show ifconfig displays information once for all interfaces where DHCP Relay Agent is enabled.
show ifconfig [[Index=]Integer] [[Rr=]Integer]
- [ Index=] Integer
Specifies, by index value, the interface for which you want to display information.
- [ Rr=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
Displays IP address bindings for the specified interface. Used without parameters, show ifbinding displays information once for all interfaces where DHCP relay is enabled for use.
show ifbinding [[Index=]Integer] [[Rr=]Integer]
- [ Index=] Integer
Specifies, by index value, the interface for which you want to display information.
- [ Rr=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
Displays DHCP Relay Agent statistics for the specified interface. Used without parameters, show ifstats displays information once for all interfaces where DHCP relay is enabled for use.
show ifstats [[Index=]Integer] [[Rr=]Integer]
- [ Index=] Integer
Specifies, by index value, the interface for which you want to display information.
- [ Rr=] Integer
Specifies, in seconds, how often you want the information to be refreshed.
The following commands are available for use in the Netsh Routing IP OSPF context.
This feature is not available on the Itanium-based versions of the Windows operating systems.
This content is not available in this preliminary release.
To view the command syntax, click a command:
add range
add area
add virtif
add neighbor
add interface
add routefilter
add protofilter
delete range
delete area
delete virtif
delete neighbor
delete interface
delete routefilter
delete protofilter
set area
set virtif
set interface
set global
set routefilter
set protofilter
show global
show area
show virtif
show interface
show routefilter
show protofilter
show area
show virtif
Adds the IP address and mask pair that define a range of addresses belonging to this area.
add range [Areaid=]IPAddress [Range=]IPAddressSubnetMask
- [ Areaid=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the IP address of the area to which the range is added.
- [ Range=] IPAddressSubnetMask
Required. Specifies the IP address and the mask of the range to add.
- OSPF ranges are used to summarize the routes within the OSPF area.
Adds an ID for the area.
add area [Areaid=]IPAddress
- [ Areaid=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the IP address of the area to which you want to add the range.
- The Areaid parameter is a 32-bit number expressed in dotted decimal notation that identifies the OSPF area. The area ID does not need to coincide with an IP address or an IP network ID. The area ID of is reserved for the backbone. If the area represents a subnetted network, you can use the IP network number of the subnetted network for the area ID.
Adds the virtual interface for a router.
add virtif [transareaid=]TransitAreaID [virtnbrid=]VirtualNeighborID
- [ transareaid=] TransitAreaID
Required. Specifies the IP address of the transit area used to exchange routing information between the backbone area border router and the area border router of the noncontiguous area.
- [ virtnbrid=] VirtualNeighborID
Required. Specifies, by IP address, the router ID of the virtual neighbor to add.
Adds an OSPF neighbor to the specified interface.
add neighbor [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [addr=]IPAddress [nbraddr=]IPAddress [nbrprio=]Priority
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface to which you want to add a neighbor. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ addr=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the OSPF interface, by IP address.
- [ nbraddr=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the IP address of the neighbor you want to add.
- [ nbrprio=] Priority
Required. Specifies the OSPF router priority of the neighbor you want to add.
Configures OSPF on the specified interface.
add interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [areaid=]IPAddress [addr=]IPAddress [mask=]SubnetMask
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface on which you want to add OSPF. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ areaid=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the IP address of the area to which the interface belongs.
- [ addr=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the IP address of the interface to add.
- [ mask=] SubnetMask
Required. Specifies the subnet mask of the interface to add.
Adds an OSPF route filter.
add routefilter [Filter=]IPAddressSubnetMask
- [ Filter=] IPAddressSubnetMask
Required. Specifies, by IP address and subnet mask, the route you want to filter.
Adds an OSPF protocol filter.
add protofilter [filter=]{autostatic | local | rip | snmp | nondod | static}
- [ filter=]{ autostatic| local| rip| snmp| nondod| static}
Required. Specifies the protocol filter you want to add. The autostatic parameter specifies a RIP autostatic route. The local parameter specifies a route added by the network to which the computer is connected. The rip parameter specifies that the filter is added using RIP. The snmp parameter specifies that the route is added using SNMP. The nondodm parameter specifies an RTM route that is present only when a DOD interface is connected. The static parameter specifies an RTM route.
- The add protofilter command is used on an OSPF router acting as an Autonomous System Boundary Router. The filters you add filter other route sources by protocol source, such as static routes and RIP, so that they are not redistributed into the OSPF Autonomous System.
Installs OSPF.
Deletes the specified range for the area ID.
delete range [Areaid=]IPAddress [Range=]IPAddressSubnetMask
- [ Areaid=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies, by IP address, the area you want to delete.
- [ Range=] IPAddressSubnetMask
Required. Specifies the IP address and the subnet mask of the area range you want to delete.
Deletes the specified area.
delete area [Areaid=]IPAddress
- [ Areaid=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies, by IP address, the area you want to delete.
The area ID is a 32-bit number expressed in dotted decimal notation that identifies the OSPF area. The area ID does not need to coincide with an IP address or an IP network ID. The area ID of is reserved for the backbone. If the area represents a subnetted network, you can use the IP network number of the subnetted network for the area ID.
Deletes the specified virtual interface.
delete virtif [transareaid=]TransitAreaID [virtnbrid=]VirtualNeighborID
- [ transareaid=] TransitAreaID
Required. Specifies the IP address of the transit area used to exchange routing information between the backbone area border router and the area border router of the noncontiguous area.
- [ virtnbrid=] VirtualNeighborID
Required. Specifies the router ID of the virtual neighbor to delete.
Deletes the specified OSPF neighbor.
delete neighbor [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [addr=]IPAddress [nbraddr=]IPAddress [nbrprio=]Priority
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface from which you want to delete a neighbor. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ addr=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies, by IP address, the interface from which you want to delete a neighbor.
- [ nbraddr=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the IP address of the neighbor to delete.
- [ nbrprio=] Priority
Required. Specifies the OSPF router priority of the neighbor to delete.
Deletes OSPF from the specified interface.
delete interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [addr=]IPAddress [mask=]SubnetMask
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface from which you want to delete OSPF. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ addr=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies, by IP address, the interface to delete.
- [ mask=] SubnetMask
Required. Specifies, by subnet mask, the interface to delete.
Deletes the specified OSPF route filter.
delete routefilter [Filter=]IPAddressSubnetMask
- [ Filter=] IPAddressSubnetMask
Required. Specifies the IP address and the subnet mask of the route filter you want to delete.
Deletes the specified OSPF protocol filter.
delete protofilter [filter=]{autostatic | local | rip | snmp | nondod | static}
- [ filter=]{ autostatic| local| rip| snmp| nondod| static}
Required. Specifies the protocol filter you want to delete. The autostatic parameter specifies a RIP autostatic route. The local parameter specifies a route added by the network to which the computer is connected. The rip parameter specifies that the filter is added using RIP. The snmp parameter specifies that the route is added using SNMP. The nondodm parameter specifies an RTM route that is present only when a DOD interface is connected. The static parameter specifies an RTM route.
- The delete protofilter command is used on an OSPF router acting as an Autonomous System Boundary Router. The filters you add filter other route sources by protocol source, such as static routes and the Routing Information Protocol (RIP), so that they are not redistributed into the OSPF Autonomous System.
Deletes OSPF.
Changes parameters for the specified area.
set area [areaid=]AreaID [[auth=]{none | password}] [[stubarea=]{yes | no}] [[metric=]StubMetric] [[sumadv=]{yes | no}]
- [ areaid=] AreaID
Required. Specifies, by IP address, the OSPF area for which you want to change parameters.
- [ auth=]{ none| password}
Specifies whether passwords are required for the area. If passwords are required for an area, all interfaces that are in the same area and on the same network segment must use the same password, and interfaces that are in the same area but on different network segments can have different passwords. By default, passwords are required and the password is 12345678. Passwords are transmitted in plaintext format, so this option is for identification, not security.
- [ stubarea=]{ yes| no}
Specifies whether this area is configured as a stub area, which is an OSPF area that does not enumerate external routes. Routes from outside the OSPF Autonomous System (AS) are not flooded into or through stub areas. Routing to AS external destinations in these areas is based only on a summary default route. This reduces the overhead for the routers in the stub area.
- [ metric=] StubMetric
Specifies the cost of the summary default route that the router advertises into the stub area.
- [ sumadv=]{ yes| no}
Specifies whether to import summary advertisements.
Configures parameters for the specified virtual interface.
set virtif [transareaid=]TransitAreaID [virtnbrid =] VirtualNeighborID [[transdelay=]TransitDelay] [[retrans=]ReTransmitInterval] [[hello=]HelloInterval] [[dead=]DeadInterval] [[password=]Password]
- [ transareaid=] TransitAreaID
Required. Specifies the IP address of the transit area.
- [ virtnbrid=] VirtualNeighborID
Required. Specifies the router ID of the virtual neighbor.
- [ transdelay=] TransitDelay
Specifies the estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link state update packet over this interface. If you do not specify this parameter, the estimated delay is set to 1 second.
- [ retrans=] ReTransmitInterval
Specifies the number of seconds between link state advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to this interface. A typical value for a local area network is 5 seconds.
- [ hello=] HelloInterval
Specifies, in seconds, the interval between transmissions of hello packets by the router on the interface. This setting must be the same for all routers that are connected to the same network. A typical value for a local area network is 10 seconds.
- [ dead=] DeadInterval
Specifies, in seconds, how long a router can fail to respond before a neighboring router should consider this router is malfunctioning. This setting should be an integral multiple of the hello interval (commonly 4). This value must be the same for all OSPF router interfaces that are connected to the same network segment.
- [ password=] Password
Specifies the password for this interface, if passwords are required for the area. All interfaces that are in the same area and on the same network must use the same password. By default, passwords are required and the password is 12345678.
Configures OSPF parameters for an interface.
set interface [interfacename=]InterfaceName [addr=]IPAddress [mask=]SubnetMask [[state=]{enable | disable}] [[areaid=]AreaID] [[type=]{nbma | p2p | broadcast}] [[prio=]Priority] [[transdelay=]TransitDelay] [[retrans=]ReTransmitInterval] [[hello=]HelloInterval] [[dead=]DeadInterval] [[poll=]PollInterval] [[metric=]Metric] [[password=]Password] [[mtu=]MTUSize]
- [ interfacename=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to configure parameters. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ addr=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the IP address of the interface.
- [ mask=] SubnetMask
Required. Specifies the subnet mask of the interface.
- [ state=]{ enable| disable}
Specifies whether the interface is enabled. The enable parameter enables the interface. The disable parameter disables the interface.
- [ areaid=] AreaID
Specifies the IP address of the interface area.
- [ type=]{ nbma| p2p| broadcast}
Specifies the type of OSPF interface for which you want to configure parameters. The nbma parameter specifies a non-broadcast multiple access (NBMA) OSPF interface. The p2p parameter specifies a point-to-point OSPF interface. The broadcast parameter specifies a broadcast OSPF interface.
- [ prio=] Priority
Specifies the interface priority.
- [ transdelay=] TransitDelay
Specifies the estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit a link state update packet over this interface. If you do not specify this parameter, the estimated delay is set to 1 second.
- [ retrans=] ReTransmitInterval
Specifies the number of seconds between link state advertisement retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to this interface. A typical value for a local area network is 5 seconds.
- [ hello=] HelloInterval
Specifies, in seconds, the interval between transmissions of hello packets by the router on the interface. This setting must be the same for all routers that are connected to the same network. A typical value for a local area network is 10 seconds.
- [ dead=] DeadInterval
Specifies, in seconds, how long a router can fail to respond before a neighboring router should consider this router to be malfunctional. This setting should be an integral multiple of the hello interval (commonly 4). This value must be the same for all OSPF router interfaces connected to the same network segment.
- [ poll=] PollInterval
Specifies the number of seconds between OSPF network polls for non-broadcast multiple access (NBMA) interfaces only. You should set the poll interval to be at least twice as long as the dead interval. A typical value for an X.25 network is two minutes.
- [ metric=] Metric
Specifies the cost of sending a packet out of this interface. The value set here is advertised as the link cost for this interface in the link state advertisement of the router. Faster interfaces usually have lower costs. The maximum setting is 32,767.
- [ password=] Password
Specifies the password for this interface, if passwords are required for the area. All interfaces that are in the same area and on the same network must use the same password. By default, passwords are required and the password is 12345678.
- [ mtu=] MTUSize
Specifies, in bytes, the maximum size of IP packets carrying OSPF information that can be sent without fragmentation. The default IP MTU for an Ethernet network is 1,500 bytes.
Configures global OSPF parameters.
set global [routerid=]IPAddress [asborder=]{yes | no} [[loglevel=]{none | error | warn | info}]
- [ routerid=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies, by IP address, the router for which you want to configure parameters.
- [ asborder=]{ yes| no}
Required. Specifies whether the router acts as an Autonomous System (AS) boundary router.
- [ loglevel=]{ none| error| warn| info}
Specifies which events should be logged. The none parameter specifies that no events related to OSPF should be logged. The error parameter specifies that only errors related to OSPF should be logged. The warn parameter specifies that only warnings related to OSPF should be logged. The info parameter specifies that all events related to OSPF should be logged.
Configures the OSPF route filter action.
set routefilter [action=]{drop | accept}
- [ action=]{ drop| accept}
Required. Specifies whether the route filter drops or accepts packets. The drop parameter specifies that packets should be dropped. The accept parameter specifies that packets should be accepted.
Configures OSPF protocol filter action.
set protofilter [action=]{drop | accept}
- [ action=]{ drop| accept}
Required. Specifies whether the protocol filter accepts or drops packets. The drop parameter specifies that packets should be dropped. The accept parameter specifies that packets should be accepted.
Displays global OSPF parameters.
show global
Displays area parameters.
show area
Displays parameters for all virtual interfaces.
show virtif
Displays OSPF configuration information for the specified interface.
show interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to display information. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
Displays information about the OSPF route filter.
show routefilter
Displays information about the OSPF protocol filter.
show protofilter
Displays information about OSPF areas.
show area
Displays information about OSPF virtual interfaces.
show virtif
The following commands are available for use in the Netsh Routing IP Autodhcp context.
To view the command syntax, click a command:
add exclusion
delete exclusion
set global
set interface
show global
show interface
Adds an exclusion to the DHCP allocator scope.
add exclusionIPAddress
- IPAddress
Required. Specifies an IP address to exclude from the DHCP allocator scope.
Deletes an exclusion from the DHCP allocator scope.
delete exclusionIPAddress
- IPAddress
Required. Specifies an IP address already excluded from the DHCP allocator scope.
Installs the routing protocol under IP.
Configures global parameters for DHCP allocation.
set global {[[scopenetwork=]IPAddress] | [[scopemask=]SubnetMask] | [[leasetime=]Minutes] | [[loglevel=]{none | error | warn | info}]}
- [ scopenetwork=] IPAddress
Specifies the IP address for the DHCP allocator scope.
- [ scopemask=] SubnetMask
Specifies the subnet mask associated with the IP address for the scope.
- [ leasetime=] Minutes
Specifies, in minutes, the lease duration time.
- [ LogLevel=]{ none| error| warn| info}
Specifies which events should be logged. The none parameter specifies that no events related to DHCP should be logged. The error parameter specifies that only errors related to DHCP should be logged. The warn parameter specifies that only warnings related to DHCP should be logged. The info parameter specifies that all events related to DHCP should be logged.
To set the IP network for DHCP allocation to, with an associated scope subnet mask of, a lease time of 11520 minutes (8 days), and logging of information for all related events, type:
set global 11520 info
To adjust only the lease time globally for all scopes on all interfaces to a value of 4320 minutes (3 days), type:
set global leasetime=4320
Configures DHCP allocator parameters for the specified interface.
set interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [mode=]{enable | disable}
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface on which to configure parameters. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ mode=]{ enable| disable}
Required. Specifies whether DHCP allocation is enabled or disabled for the interface.
Displays the DHCP allocator global configuration.
show global
Displays the DHCP allocator configuration for the specified interface.
show interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to display information. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
Removes the routing protocol under IP.
The following commands are available for use in the Netsh Routing IP Dnsproxy context.
To view the command syntax, click a command:
set global
set interface
show global
show interface
Sets global DNS proxy parameters.
set global [querytimeout=]Integer [[dnsmode=]{enable | disable}] [[loglevel=]{none | error | warn | info}]
- [ querytimeout=] Integer
Required. Specifies a time-out, in seconds, for proxied DNS queries.
- [ dnsmode=]{ enable| disable}
Specifies whether DNS proxy operation is enabled or disabled.
- [ loglevel=]{ none| error| warn| info}
Specifies which events should be logged. The none parameter specifies that no events related to DNS proxy should be logged. The error parameter specifies that only errors related to DNS proxy should be logged. The warn parameter specifies that only warnings related to DNS proxy should be logged. The info parameter specifies that all events related to DNS proxy should be logged.
To specify that queries should time out after 10 seconds, to enable DNS proxy operation, and to prevent logging of DNS proxy events, type:
set global 10 enable none
Installs the routing protocol under IP.
Configures DNS proxy parameters for an interface.
set interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [[mode=]{enable | disable | default}]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which to configure parameters. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ mode=]{ enable| disable| default}
Specifies whether DNS proxy is enabled, disabled, or set to use the default for the specified interface. The enable parameter specifies that DNS proxy is enabled. The disable parameter specifies that DNS proxy is disabled. The default parameter specifies that DNS proxy is set according to the default for the interface.
Displays the DNS proxy global configuration.
show global
Displays the DNS proxy configuration for the specified interface.
show interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to display information. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
Removes the routing protocol under IP.
The following commands are available for use in the Netsh Routing IP NAT context.
To view the command syntax, click a command:
add addressmapping
add addressrange
add interface
add portmapping
delete addressmapping
delete addressrange
delete interface
delete portmapping
set global
set interface
show global
show interface
Adds an IP address mapping to the network address translation (NAT) address pool for the specified interface.
add addressmapping [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [public=]IPAddress [private=]IPAddress [inboundsessions=]{enable | disable}
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface on which you want to use network address translation. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ public=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the IP address used on a public network.
- [ private=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the IP address in the pooled range of addresses available for use on the private network.
- [ inboundsessions=]{ enable| disable}
Required. Specifies whether inbound sessions are enabled or disabled. The enable parameter specifies that inbound sessions are enabled. The disable parameter specifies that inbound sessions are disabled.
To map the public IP address to the private IP address and to disable inbound sessions for this NAT table mapping, type:
add addressmapping Local Area Connection disable
Adds an address range to the NAT address pool for the specified interface.
add addressrange [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [start=]IPAddress [end=]IPAddress [mask=]SubnetMask
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface to whose address pool you want to add an address range.
- [ start=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the starting IP address for the address range.
- [ end=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the ending IP address for the address range.
- [ mask=] SubnetMask
Required. Specifies the IP subnet mask associated with the network range bounded by the start and end IP addresses.
Configures NAT on the specified interface.
add interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [[mode=]{full | addressonly | private}]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface on which you want to configure NAT. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ mode=]{ full| addressonly| private}
Specifies whether the interface uses full, addressonly, or private mode.
Adds a protocol port mapping on the NAT interface.
add portmapping [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [proto=]{tcp | udp} [publicip=]{IPAddress |} [publicport=]Integer [privateip=]IPAddress [privateport=]Integer
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to add a port mapping. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ proto=]{ tcp| udp}
Required. Specifies whether the protocol type is set to TCP or UDP.
- [ publicip=]{ IPAddress|}
Required. Specifies an external IP address on the public network or to indicate any IP address not specified within the private network address range.
- [ publicport=] Integer
Required. Specifies the public protocol port by using a number from 0 to 9999.
- [ privateip=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies an IP address within the private network range.
- [ privateport=] Integer
Required. Specifies the private protocol port by using a number from 0 to 9999.
Deletes an address mapping from the NAT address pool for the specified interface.
delete addressmapping [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [[public=]IPAddress]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to delete an address mapping. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ public=] IPAddress
Specifies the IP address to be deleted. If you do not specify an address, all address mappings from the NAT address pool are deleted from the interface.
Deletes an address range from the NAT address pool for the specified interface.
delete addressrange [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [start=]IPAddress
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface from which you want to delete an address range. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ start=] IPAddress
Required. Specifies the starting IP address of the range you want to delete.
Removes network address translation (NAT) from the specified interface.
delete interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to remove the use of NAT. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
Deletes a protocol port mapping from the specified NAT-enabled interface.
delete portmapping [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [[proto=]{tcp | udp}] [publicip=]{IPAddress |}] [[publicport=]Integer] [[privateip=]IPAddress] [privateport=]Integer]
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to delete a port mapping. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ proto=]{ tcp| udp}
Specifies the protocol type. The tcp parameter specifies that the protocol type is Transmission Control Protocol. The udp parameter specifies that the protocol type is User Datagram Protocol.
- [ publicip=]{ IPAddress|}
Specifies an external IP address on the public network or to indicate any IP address not specified within the private network address range.
- [ publicport=] Integer
Specifies the public protocol port by using a number from 0 to 9999.
- [ privateip=] IPAddress
Specifies an IP address within the private network range.
- [ privateport=] Integer
Specifies the private protocol port by using a number from 0 to 9999.
Sets global parameters for NAT.
set global {[[tcptimeoutmins=]Integer] | [[udptimeoutmins=]Integer] | [[LogLevel=]{none | error | warn | info}]}
- [ tcptimeoutmins=] Integer
Specifies, in minutes, the time-out value for TCP mappings.
- [ udptimeoutmins=] Integer
Specifies, in minutes, the time-out value for UDP mappings.
- [ LogLevel=]{ none| error| warn| info}
Specifies which events should be logged. The none parameter specifies that no events related to NAT should be logged. The error parameter specifies that only errors related to NAT should be logged. The warn parameter specifies that only warnings related to NAT should be logged. The info parameter specifies that all events related to NAT should be logged.
Configure NAT parameters for the specified interface.
set interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName [mode=]{Full | AddressOnly | Private}
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to configure parameters. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
- [ mode=]{ Full| AddressOnly| Private}
Required. Specifies whether the interface should be enabled for full, addressonly, or private mode.
Displays network address translation (NAT) global configuration.
show global
Displays network address translation (NAT) configuration for the specified interface.
show interface [InterfaceName=]InterfaceName
- [ InterfaceName=] InterfaceName
Required. Specifies, by name, the interface for which you want to display information. The InterfaceName parameter must match the name of the interface as specified in Network Connections. If InterfaceName contains spaces, use quotation marks around the text (for example, "Interface Name").
To enable router discovery for the interface named Local Area Connection, specifying a minimum interval of 7 minutes, a maximum interval of 10 minutes, a life of 30 minutes for router discovery packets, and a zero (0) or no preference level, type the following from the netsh routing prompt:
add interface "Local Area Connection" enable 7 10 30 0
Format | Meaning |
Italic |
Information that the user must supply |
Bold |
Elements that the user must type exactly as shown |
Ellipsis (...) |
Parameter that can be repeated several times in a command line |
Between brackets ([]) |
Optional items |
Between braces ({}); choices separated by pipe (|). Example: {even|odd} |
Set of choices from which the user must choose only one |
Code or program output |
Netsh commands for AAAA
Netsh commands for DHCP
Netsh diagnostic (diag) commands
Netsh commands for Interface IP
Netsh commands for remote access (ras)
Netsh commands for WINS
Command-line reference A-Z
Command shell overview