Type Entry

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2


Data type Range Default value


1 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 | 32 | 272 | 288



Identifies the type of service represented by the subkey.

Value Meaning

1or 0x1

A kernel-mode device driver.

2 or 0x2

A file system driver.

4 or 0x4

A set of arguments for an adapter.

8 or 0x8

A file system driver service, such as a file system recognizer.

16 or 0x10

A Win32 program that runs in a process by itself. This type of Win32 service can be started by the service controller.

32 or 0x20

A Win32 program that shares a process. This type of Win32 service can be started by the service controller.

272 or 0x110

A Win32 program that runs in a process by itself (like Type16) and that can interact with users.

288 or 0x120

A Win32 program that shares a process and that can interact with users.

Change Method

To change the value of this entry, you can use the Services snap-in. You can also use the ChangeServiceConfig API or use SC, a tool included in Windows Server 2003.


  • This information is presented for reference only. You cannot edit this entry to change the view of a service by Windows Server 2003.

See Also

