Additional Resources

Archived content. No warranty is made as to technical accuracy. Content may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that no longer exist.

Updated : December 20, 2001

The following resources have additional information that will help you in your setup and configuration of clusters.

White Papers and Tools

Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles

There are many Microsoft Knowledge Base articles available on Exchange 2000 Server clusters. Be sure to consult these articles if you experience problems with your Exchange 2000 Server clusters.

To search for Knowledge Base articles related to Exchange 2000 Server clusters:

  1. In your browser, go to

  2. In the My search is about drop-down box, select Exchange 2000 Server.

  3. In I want to search by, select Keyword search.

  4. In the My question is text box, enter Exchange 2000 Server cluster, and then click Go.

For more information visit the Exchange product site at