IPv6 - General

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

Routing interface

The server running Routing and Remote Access uses a routing interface to forward unicast IP and multicast IP packets. There are two types of routing interfaces:

  • LAN interfaces

    A LAN interface is a physical interface that typically represents a local area connection that uses local area networking technology such as Ethernet or token ring. A LAN interface reflects an installed network adapter. An installed WAN adapter is sometimes represented as a LAN interface. For example, some Frame Relay adapters create a separate logical LAN interface for each configured virtual circuit. LAN interfaces are always active and typically do not require an authentication process to become active.

  • Demand-dial interfaces

    A demand-dial interface is a logical interface that represents a point-to-point connection. The point-to-point connection is based on either a physical connection, such as two routers connected over an analog phone line that uses modems, or a logical connection, such as two routers connected over a virtual private network connection that uses the Internet. Demand-dial connections are either on-demand (the point-to-point connection is only established when needed) or persistent (the point-to-point connection is established and then remains in a connected state). Demand-dial interfaces typically require an authentication process to become connected. The equipment needed by a demand-dial interface is a port on a device.