Set, View, Change, or Remove Special Permissions
Applies To: Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2
Each object has permissions associated with it that can restrict access. You can modify those special permissions to define the access on a particular object.
You must be the owner of the object or have been granted permission by the owner to complete this procedure. Review the details in "Additional considerations" in this topic.
Right-click the object on which you want to set advanced or special permissions, click Properties, and then click the Security tab.
Click Advanced, and then click Change Permissions.
On the Permissions tab, do one of the following:
Set special permissions for an additional group or user.
Click Add. In Enter the object name to select (examples), type the name of the user or group, and then click OK.
View or change special permissions for an existing group or user.
Click the name of the group or user, and then click Edit.
Remove an existing group or user and its special permissions.
Click the name of the group or user, and then click Remove. If the Remove button is unavailable, clear the Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent check box, and then click Remove.
If you select the Replace all child object permissions with inheritable permissions from this object check box, then all subfolders and files will have all of their permission entries reset to those inheritable from this parent object.
In the Permissions box, select or clear the appropriate Allow or Deny check boxes.
In the Apply onto box, click the folders or subfolders you want these permissions to be applied to.
To configure security so that the subfolders and files will not inherit these permissions, clear the Apply these permissions to objects and/or containers within this container only check box.
Click OK, and then, in Advanced Security Settings for <ObjectName>, click OK.
Additional considerations
Groups or users that have been granted Full Control permission for a folder can delete files and subfolders within that folder, regardless of the permissions that protect the files and subfolders.
Performing this procedure might require you to elevate permissions through User Account Control.
To open Windows Explorer, click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Windows Explorer.
The Everyone group no longer includes the Anonymous Logon permission.
If you clear the Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent check box, then this file or folder will not inherit permission entries from the parent object.
You can set NTFS permissions only on drives formatted to use NTFS.
If the check boxes under Permissions are shaded, the permissions are inherited from the parent folder.
Additional references