Ktpass Syntax
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2
ktpass [/outFileName] [/princUserName] [/pass {Password|*}] [/mapuserLocalUserName] [/mapop {add|set}] [{-|+}desonly] [/inFileName] [/crpyto {DES-CBC-CRC|DES-CBC-MD5}] [/ptype {KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL|KRB5_NT_SRV_INST|KRB5_NT_SRV_HST}] [/kvnoKeyVersionNum] [/ktvnoKeyTabVersion] [/rawsalt] [{-|+}dumpsalt] [{-|+}setupn] [{-|+}setpassPassword] [/?|/h|/help]
- /out FileName
Specifies the name of the Kerberos 5 keytable file to generate. Note- This is the keytable you transfer to the UNIX computer and replace or merge with your existing keytable file, /Etc/Krb5.keytab.
- /princ UserName
Specifies the principal name in the form user@REALM.
- /pass{ Password| *}
Specifies a password for the principal user name specified in the /princ parameter. Use "*" to prompt for a password.
- /mapuser LocalUserName
Maps the name of the Kerberos principal specified by the /princ parameter to the specified local user name. By default, Kerberos principals are not mapped to local user names.
/mapop{ add| set}
Specifies how the mapping attribute is set.Value Description add
Adds value. This is the default.
Sets value.
- { -| +} desonly
Sets (+) or unsets (-) an account for des-only encryption. Des-only encryption is set by default.
- /in FileName
Specifies the keytab to read or digest.
/crypto{ DES-CBC-CRC| DES-CBC-MD5]
Sets the encryption type to use.Value Description DES-CBC-CRC
More MIT-like
Specifies the principal type.Value Description KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL
General ptype (recommended).
User service instance.
Host service instance.
- /kvno KeyVersionNum
Specifies the Key version number. The default value is 1.
- ****/?| /h| /help
Displays command-line help for KtPass.
Ktpass Overview
Ktpass Remarks
Alphabetical List of Tools
Xcacls Overview
Sidwalker Security Administration Tools
Sidwalk Overview
Showaccs Overview
Sdcheck Overview
Ksetup Overview
Getsid Overview