Restarting the Migration Tool in Recovery Mode

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 with SP1

If the Apache to IIS 6.0 Migration Tool is interrupted or fails at any point during the process, you can run it again in recovery mode. Recovery mode allows you to pick up the migration process from the point at which the tool was interrupted, rather than starting over from the beginning. Any of the following events can cause a failure or interruption in the migration tool:

  • System failure.

  • Network connection terminated.

  • FTP access denied.

You can restart the migration tool in recovery mode when:

  • An interruption occurs during data entry.

    If the tool terminates as you are entering information about the migration (such as IP addresses or file paths) you can restart it in recovery mode. The migration tool validates your user credentials, and the migration process proceeds from the point where the tool was interrupted. You do not need to retype the information you have already entered.

  • An interruption occurs during file transfer.

    If the migration tool terminates during the process of transferring files from the source server to the target server, you can restart it in recovery mode. The tool resumes migration with the file that was being transferred during the interruption.