Initiate the Connection

Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2

First, ensure that both routers are enabled for dial-up access, and then initiate the connection.

To confirm that a router has permission to initiate an on-demand connection

  1. Open Active Directory Users and Computers, and then on the Dial-in tab of the user account of the router’s Properties page, confirm that either Allow access or Control access through Remote Access Policy is selected.

  2. If Control access through Remote Access Policy is selected, open the Routing and Remote Access snap-in and confirm that the remote access permission setting on the Properties page of the associated Remote Access Policy is set to Grant remote access permission.

To initiate the on-demand connection on the calling router

  • On the calling router, in the Routing and Remote Access snap-in, click Network Interfaces, right-click the demand-dial interface for which you want to initiate a connection, and then click Connect.

If the calling router uses a dial-up connection to the local ISP, the local ISP assigns the router a temporary IP address. You can confirm that this IP address exists by typing ipconfig at a command prompt.