Reset account lockout counter after
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2
This security setting determines the number of minutes that must elapse after a failed logon attempt before the failed logon attempt counter is reset to 0 bad logon attempts. The available range is 1 minute to 99,999 minutes.
If an account lockout threshold is defined, this reset time must be less than or equal to the Account lockout duration.
Default: None, because this policy setting only has meaning when an Account lockout threshold is specified.
You can configure this security setting by opening the appropriate policy and expanding the console tree as such: Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Account Policies\Account Lockout Policy\
For specific instructions about how to configure account lockout policy settings, see Apply or modify account lockout policy.
For more information, see:
Password Best practices for account lockout policy