New ways to do familiar command-line tasks
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2
The Windows Server 2003 family retains and enhances almost all MS-DOS functionality. The following tables explain:
Changes to the functionality of MS-DOS commands.
MS-DOS commands that are no longer available in the Windows Server 2003 family.
MS-DOS commands that are no longer available on Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Editionor Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition.
The following table lists changes to the functionality of MS-DOS commands.
Command | Changed features |
Changes code pages for all Command Prompt windows. |
Command-line options /1 and /8 are not supported. |
diskperf |
No longer needed to act upon a server computer. You can still use diskperf for remote administration. |
Command-line option /1 is not supported. |
Available for all character-based programs that accept buffered input. Doskey has been improved by a series of enhancements. |
Supports 1.44 MB floppy drive only. 20.8 MB floptical (magneto-optical) drive is no longer supported. Command-line options /b, /s, /u, /1, /4, and /8 are no longer supported. |
The caret (^) and ampersand (&) symbols can be used in a volume label. |
The mode lptN[:][cols=c][lines=N] and mode lptN[:][c][,[N]] syntaxes are no longer supported. |
Command-line options /b, /c, /m, /p, /q, /s, /t, and /u are not supported. |
New character combinations enable you to add ampersands ($a), parentheses ($c and $f), and spaces ($s) to your prompt. |
Recovers files only. |
New /s command-line option deletes directories containing files and subdirectories. |
Does not require TEMP environment variable. File size is unlimited. |
New /g command-line option creates decrypted destination files. |
The following MS-DOS commands are not supported in the Windows Server 2003 family.
Command | New procedure or reason for obsolescence |
assign |
Not supported. |
backup |
Not supported. |
choice |
Not supported. |
ctty |
Not supported. |
dblspace |
Not supported. |
deltree |
The rmdir /s command deletes directories containing files and subdirectories. For more information about the rmdir command, see Rmdir. |
dosshell |
Function is now inherent. |
drvspace |
Not supported. |
emm386 |
Function is now inherent. |
fasthelp |
Not supported. Use the help command at the command prompt. For more information about the help command, see Help. For a complete list of command-line tools, see Command-line reference A-Z. |
fdisk |
Not supported. Use the diskpart command, which enables you to manage disks, partitions, or volumes. For more information about the diskpart command, see DiskPart. |
include |
Multiple configurations of the MS-DOS subsystem are not supported. |
interlnk |
Not supported. |
intersrv |
Not supported. |
join |
Increased partition size and an improved file system eliminate the need to join drives. |
memmaker |
MS-DOS subsystem memory usage is automatically optimized. |
menucolor |
Multiple configurations of the MS-DOS subsystem are not supported. |
menudefault |
Multiple configurations of the MS-DOS subsystem are not supported. |
menuitem |
Multiple configurations of the MS-DOS subsystem are not supported. |
mirror |
Not supported. |
msav |
Not supported. |
msbackup |
Use the ntbackup command for computers with tape drives, or the xcopy command for computers without tape drives. For more information about the ntbackup command, see Ntbackup. For more information about the xcopy command, see Xcopy. |
mscdex |
It is unnecessary to configure the MS-DOS subsystem to use CD-ROM drives. The Windows Server 2003 family provides access to CD-ROM drives for the MS-DOS subsystem. |
msd |
Use the System Information snap-in. To start System Information, click Start, click Run, and then type msinfo32. |
numlock |
Not supported. |
power |
Not supported. |
restore |
Not supported. |
scandisk |
Not supported. Use the chkdsk command, which enables you to create and display a status report for a disk based on the file system. Chkdsk also lists and corrects errors on the disk. For more information about the chkdsk command, see chkdsk. |
smartdrv |
Caching for the MS-DOS subsystem is automatic. |
submenu |
Multiple configurations of the MS-DOS subsystem are not supported. |
sys |
Windows Server 2003 family operating systems will not fit on a standard 1.2 MB or 1.44 MB floppy disk. |
undelete |
Not supported. |
unformat |
Not supported. |
vsafe |
Not supported. |
MS-DOScommands no longer available on Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition or Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition
The following 16-bit MS-DOS subsystem commands are not available on Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Editionor Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition.
Command | Function |
append |
Enables programs to open data files in specified folders as if these files were in the current folder. |
debug |
Starts Debug.exe, a program that you can use to test and debug MS-DOS executable files. |
edit |
Starts MS-DOS Editor, which creates and changes ASCII text files. |
edlin |
Starts Edlin.exe, a line-oriented text editor with which you can create and change ASCII files. |
exe2bin |
Converts .exe (executable files) to binary format. |
expand |
Expands one or more compressed files. |
fastopen |
Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003 family of products do not use this command. It is included only to preserve compatibility with existing MS-DOS files, but it has no effect at the command line because the functionality is automatic. |
forcedos |
Starts the specified program in the MS-DOS subsystem. This command is necessary only for those MS-DOS programs that are not recognized as MS-DOS programs by the Windows Server 2003 family. |
graphics |
Loads a program into memory that allows you to print on a printer the displayed contents of the screen when you are using a color or graphics adapter. |
loadfix |
Ensures that a program is loaded above the first 64KB of conventional memory, and then runs the program. |
loadhigh (lh) |
Loads a program into the upper memory area (UMA). Loading a program into the UMA leaves more room in conventional memory for other programs. |
mem |
Displays information about allocated memory areas, free memory areas, and programs that are currently loaded into memory in the MS-DOS subsystem. |
nlsfunc |
Loads information specific to country/region. Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003 family of products do not use this command. It is included only to preserve compatibility with existing MS-DOS files, but it has no effect at the command line because the functionality is automatic. |
setver |
Sets the MS-DOS version number that the MS-DOS subsystem reports to a program. |
share |
Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003 family of products do not use this command. It is included only to preserve compatibility with existing MS-DOS files, but it has no effect at the command line because the functionality is automatic. |