Managing Files, Folders, and Search Methods

When a network share becomes available after being offline (for example, a server goes offline and is then brought back online, or a mobile computer is disconnected from the network and then reconnected), the network share is automatically available when three conditions are met:

  • No offline files from that network share are open on the user's computer.

  • No offline files from that network share have changes that need to be synchronized.

  • The network connection is not considered a slow link.

When all these conditions are satisfied and a user opens a file on the network share, the user is automatically working online on that network share. Any changes that a user makes is saved to the file on the network share and to the file that is cached in the Offline Files Folder. When any of these conditions are not satisfied and a user opens a file on the network share, the user is still working offline even though the network share is available. Any changes the user makes are saved only to the offline version of the file.

For more information about reconnecting over slow links or with mobile computers, see Mobile Computing in this book.