File Systems

Mountvol is a command-line tool that can be used to create, list, or delete volume mount points in your system. The syntax of the command is:

mountvol [[drive:]path VolumeName|/d|/l]

Table 17.20 describes the switches available with Mountvol.

Table 17.20 Mountvol Switches




Specifies the existing NTFS folder where you want the mount point to reside.


Creates a new volume mount point. Specifies either a drive letter root folder or an existing empty NTFS folder as the source of the mount point and a volume name as the target.


Removes the volume mount point from the specified folder.


Lists the mounted volume name for the specified volume mount point.

/? or blank

Displays user help, the name, globally unique identifier (GUID), and location of the volume.



A volume can have only one drive letter. Using Mountvol to assign a drive letter fails if the volume already has a drive letter. To avoid this problem, delete the drive letter of the volume before assigning a drive letter using Mountvol.