Examining and Tuning Disk Performance
The disk system handles the storage and movement of programs and data on your system, giving it a powerful influence on your systems overall responsiveness. The Performance console provides disk-specific counters that enable you to measure disk activity and throughput, and instructs you on strategies to improve disk performance. In addition, it also covers tools found on the Microsoft Windows 2000 Resource Kit companion CD that can assist you in determining which programs are putting the greatest demand on your disk system.
Quick Guide to Monitoring Disks
Configuring the Disk and File System for Performance
Establishing a Baseline for Disk Usage
Investigating Disk Performance Problems
Evaluating Cache and Disk Usage by Applications
For more information about disks and file systems, see Disk Concepts and Troubleshooting and File Systems in this book.
For more information about system monitoring, see Overview of Performance Monitoring in this book.
For more information about evaluating memory usage, see Evaluating Memory and Cache Usage in this book.