Web Service Object

The Network Interface performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which bytes and packets are sent and received over a TCP/IP connection. It includes counters that monitor connection errors.

The Network Interface counters display data about the network adapters on the server computer. The first instance of the Network Interface object (Instance 1) that you see in System Monitor represents the loopback. The loopback is a local path through the protocol driver and the network adapter. All other instances represent installed network adapters.

Counter Name


Counter Type

Bytes Received/sec

Shows the rate at which bytes are received over each network adapter. The counted bytes include framing characters. Bytes Received/sec is a subset of Network Interface\Bytes Total/sec.


Bytes Sent/sec

Shows the rate at which bytes are sent over each network adapter. The counted bytes include framing characters. Bytes Sent/sec is a subset of Network Interface\Bytes Total/sec.


Bytes Total/sec

Shows the rate at which bytes are sent and received on the network interface, including framing characters. Bytes Total/sec is the sum of the values of Network Interface\Bytes Received/sec and Network Interface\ Bytes Sent/sec.


Current Bandwidth

Shows an estimate of the current bandwidth of the network interface in bits per second (BPS). For interfaces that do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this value is the nominal bandwidth.


Output Queue Length

Shows the length of the output packet queue, in packets. If this is longer than two, there are delays and the bottleneck should be found and eliminated, if possible. Since the requests are queued by Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS) in this implementation, this value is always 0.


Packets Outbound Discarded

Shows the number of outbound packets to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent transmission. One possible reason for discarding the a packet could be to free up buffer space.


Packets Outbound Errors

Shows the number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.


Packets Received Discarded

Shows the number of inbound packets that were chosen to be discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to free up buffer space.


Packets Received Errors

Shows the number of inbound packets that contained errors preventing them from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.


Packets Received Non-Unicast/sec

Shows the rate at which non-unicast (subnet broadcast or subnet multicast) packets are delivered to a higher-layer protocol.


Packets Received Unicast/sec

Shows the rate at which subnet-unicast packets are delivered to a higher-layer protocol.


Packets Received Unknown

Shows the number of packets received through the interface that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.


Packets Received/sec

Shows the rate at which packets are received on the network interface.


Packets Sent/sec

Shows the rate at which packets are sent on the network interface.


Packets Sent Non-Unicast/sec

Shows the rate at which packets are requested to be transmitted to nonunicast (subnet broadcast or subnet multicast) addresses by higher-level protocols. The rate includes packets that were discarded or not sent.


Packets Sent Unicast/sec

Shows the rate at which packets are requested to be transmitted to subnet-unicast addresses by higher-level protocols. The rate includes the packets that were discarded or not sent.