The Explorer subkey contains entries that store Group Policy settings for Windows Explorer and for the Windows interface. These include policies for the Start menu, taskbar, desktop, and Control Panel. Group Policy creates and maintains the entries in this subkey, and Windows Explorer reads and interprets them.
This subkey stores policy-related entries that are configured separately for each user. The Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer subkey in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE stores policy-related entries that apply to all users of the computer.
Many of the entries in the Policies subkeys have counterparts in other registry subkeys. These counterparts, known as "preferences," have the same effect as entries in the Policies subkey. However, when an entry appears in the Policies subkey, the preference is almost always ignored. For details, see the entry descriptions.
For detailed information about particular Group Policy settings, see the Windows 2000 Resource Kit Group Policy Reference.
For general information about Group Policy, see Windows 2000 Server Help or Windows 2000 Professional Help.
To see a table associating policies with their corresponding registry entries, see the Group Policy Registry Table .
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