Deploying Windows 2000 Professional

Deploying Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional requires thorough planning and an understanding of how to map the needs of your organization to the features that Windows 2000 Professional provides. While this chapter focuses on planning issues for the enterprise organization doing wide scale deployments, small to mid-size organizations can also find useful information suitable for smaller-scale deployments. Use this overview of the deployment process to develop and implement a plan for a successful deployment.

In This Chapter

Quick Guide to Deploying Windows 2000 Professional

Mapping Your Needs to Windows 2000 Professional

Planning Your Deployment

Determining a Preferred Client Configuration

Assessing Your Current Network Infrastructure

Determining a Client Connectivity Strategy

Determining Implementation Methods

Testing Your Deployment Plan

Conducting a Pilot

Preparing for the Rollout

  • For a thorough discussion on deployment planning, and for more information about assessing your current network infrastructure, and client connectivity strategies, see the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit Deployment Planning Guide.