Location and Description of MDM Self Service Portal Files


This section lists the folders in which System Center Mobile Device Manager Self Service Portal files are located and provides short descriptions of the folders and files.

Root (\) folder

Files in the Root (\) folder include the following:

File Description


The Web site configuration file used by ASP.NET.


The default page of the Web site. This blank page redirects to the DeviceList page.

App_Data folder

Files in the App_data folder include the following:

File Description


MDM Self Service Portal configuration file. For a description of this file, see Design Details for MDM Self Service Portal.


The MDM Shell script files. MDM Shell Cmdlets and Scripts for MDM Self Service Portal describe these files.

Logs folder

Includes text files that contain application tracing and logging information.

App_GlobalResources folder

The App_GlobalResources folder contains localized string resources files and localized Help files.

App_Themes folder

The App_Themes folder contains theme files. There is currently one theme, Smoke and Glass.

Bin folder

The Bin folder contains the binary files for MDM Self Service Portal.

Code folder

The Code folder contains the code files for MDM Self Service Portal utilities and user controls.

Images folder

The Images folder contains image files for MDM Self Service Portal.

Pages folder

The Pages folder contains the Web pages, the .aspx files, and the code used by the .cs files. The style sheet .css file for the Help page is also in this folder.