Finding and Viewing Reports in Report Builder 2.0

In Report Builder 2.0, you can browse to the folders on a report server to select or save a report, or to select a shared data source that you want to use in a report.

To find reports on a report server from Report Builder 2.0, you must specify a URL for the report server, and have the appropriate permissions for the folders that enable you to read and save report items. Ask the system administrator for the report server for the appropriate URL and permissions. For example URLs, see Report Servers and SharePoint Report Servers (Report Builder 2.0).

You can also design and preview reports that are stored on your local file system. Certain limitations apply when you do not have an active connection to a report server. For more information, see Working with and without a Report Server (Report Builder 2.0).

The following list describes how Report Builder 2.0 can help you with the following tasks:

  • **Finding reports   **When you browse for a report, you can use the familiar Microsoft Office-style Open File dialog box that is customized for Report Builder 2.0. You can browse the folders on a report server or on a file system, including My Reports, Sites and Servers, Desktop, My Documents, My Computer. Sites and Servers provides a recently used server list.

  • **Finding shared data sources   **When you browse for a shared data source, you can pick from a recently used list, or browse to another folder on the same report server as the report.

  • Viewing reports   You can preview a report in Report Builder 2.0. When you run the report, the report server loads and processes the report. The report viewer in Report Builder 2.0 displays the rendered report.

After you save a report on a report server, you can view the report in a browser, create linked reports, subscriptions, report schedules, or cache the report for improved viewing performance. For more information, see Viewing and Managing Reports on a Report Server (Report Builder 2.0) and Viewing and Managing Report Server Items from a SharePoint Site (Report Builder 2.0).