Exchange 2007 Resource Manager::ModifyStoreByGUID

This procedure allows a user to modify one or all of the following attributes on either an ExchMailStore07, or ExchPublicStore07 instance:

  • InstanceName: Mail or Public Folder store objectGUID

  • InstanceDescription: mailStoreName

  • InstanceLocation: ServerName


Input Arguments Type Required Description




The GUID of store object instance in Resource Manager (RM) that should be modified.




The new Active Directory Object GUID of the mail or public store instance.




The new name of the mail store instance.




The new server name where the mail or public store instance is found.




The fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP Address of the domain controller to use for this procedure.

Output Arguments

A successful request will mirror the input data.



This procedure assumes that the store object referenced by the supplied GUID does not exist in Active Directory, though in the case of an SCR move this might not be the case. No actions is attempted against the actual store object in Active Directory.


The caller must be at least a member of role: DomainAdmin.

Error Handling

Error Condition Error Text

Resource instance not found in RM by GUID

Resource instance %GUID% not found in Resource Manager.

Sample Code

Example XML Request

                    The FQDN or IP Address of the domain controller to use for this procedure. 
                    The GUID for the public store, mailstore. 
                    The new GUID for the public store, mailstore. 
                    The new Mail Store Name for mailstore. 
                    The new server name for mailstore. 
    <execute namespace="Exchange 2007 Resource Manager" procedure="ModifyStoreByGUID" impersonate="1"> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="preferredDomainController" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="GUID" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="newGUID" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="mailStoreName" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <before source="data" sourcePath="serverName" destination="executeData" mode="move" /> 
      <after source="executeData" destination="data" mode="merge" /> 

Example XML Response

                        <serverName>OWA01 </serverName> 
                                <serverName>EXBE02 </serverName> 
                                <publicStoreName>Public Folder Store (EXBE02) </publicStoreName> 
                                <megabytes>10000 </megabytes> 
                                <megabytesFree>9000 </megabytesFree> 
                                <serverName>EXBE02 </serverName> 
                                <mailStoreName>BusinessMailstore1 </mailStoreName> 
                                <megabytes>8000 </megabytes> 
                                <megabytesFree>6980 </megabytesFree> 
                                <shared>1 </shared> 
                                <mailStoreName>ConsumerMailstore1 </mailStoreName> 
                                <serverName>EXBE02 </serverName> 
                                <megabytes>50000 </megabytes> 
                                <megabytesFree>49980 </megabytesFree> 
                                <warning>90 </warning> 
                                <maxfill>100 </maxfill> 

Applies To

Exchange 2007 Resource Manager Namespace for:

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.5

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.5

See also


Exchange 2007 Resource Manager::QueryAllStores