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Exchange 2007 Resource Manager::RemoveExchangeResources

This procedure removes a set of public folder stores and mail stores.


Input Arguments Required Description



The Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDN) or IP Address of the domain controller to use for this procedure.



The container element for each set of child public store elements.

<publicStores/ publicStore>


The container element for each set of child public store properties elements.

<publicStores/ publicStore/ serverName>

Required if the publicStore element is present.

The NETBIOS name of the Exchange server.

< publicStores/ publicStore/ publicStoreName>


Defaults to Public Folder Store (ServerName). Must be unique amongst all the public folder stores in the AD tree.



Container element for each set of child mailstore elements.

<mailStores/ mailStore>


Container element for each set of child mailstore properties elements.

<mailStores/ mailStore/ serverName>

Required if the publicStore element is present.

The NETBIOS name of the Exchange server.

<mailStores/ mailStore/ mailStoreName>


The name of the mailstore. This name must be unique amongst all of the mailbox stores in the Active Directory tree. A naming scheme of Mailbox Store N (ServerName) where N is an integer that is unique on this server is recommended.



Container element for child mailstore elements.

< consumerMailStores/ mailStore>


Container element for each set of child mailstore properties elements.

<consumerMailStores/ mailStore/ serverName>

Required if the publicStore element is present.

The NETBIOS name of the Exchange server.

<consumerMailStores/ mailStore/ mailStoreName>


The name of the mailstore. This name must be unique amongst all of the mailbox stores in the Active Directory tree. A naming scheme of Mailbox Store N (ServerName) where N is an integer that is unique on this server is recommended.



Container element for child frontEndServer elements.

<frontEndServers/ frontEndServer>


Container element for a collection of server properties elements.

<frontEndServers/ frontEndServer/ serverName>

Required if the publicStore element is present.

The NETBIOS name of the Exchange server.

Output Arguments Description


Container element for each set of child public store elements.

<publicStores/ publicStore>

Container element for each set of child public store properties elements.

<publicStores/ publicStore/ serverName>

Required if the publicStore element is present. The NETBIOS name of the Exchange server.

< publicStores/ publicStore/ publicStoreName>

Defaults to Public Folder Store (ServerName). Must be unique amongst all the public folder stores in the Active Directory tree.


Container element for each set of child mailstore elements.

<mailStores/ mailStore>

Container element for each set of child mailstore properties elements.

<mailStores/ mailStore/ serverName>

Required if the publicStore element is present. The NETBIOS name of the Exchange server.

<mailStores/ mailStore/ mailStoreName>

The name of the mailstore. This name must be unique amongst all of the mailbox stores in the Active Directory tree. A naming scheme of Mailbox Store N (ServerName) where N is an integer that is unique on this server is recommended.


Container element for child mailstore elements.

< consumerMailStores/ mailStore>

Container element for each set of child mailstore properties elements.

<consumerMailStores/ mailStore/ serverName>

Required if the publicStore element is present. The NETBIOS name of the Exchange server.

<consumerMailStores/ mailStore/ mailStoreName>

The name of the mailstore. This name must be unique amongst all of the mailbox stores in the Active Directory tree. A naming scheme of Mailbox Store N (ServerName) where N is an integer that is unique on this server is recommended.


Container element for child frontEndServer elements.

<frontEndServers/ frontEndServer>

Container element for a collection of server properties elements.

<frontEndServers/ frontEndServer/ serverName>

Required if the publicStore element is present. The NETBIOS name of the Exchange server.


The FQDN or IP Address of the domain controller to use for this procedure.



The caller must be at least a member of role: DomainAdmin

Sample Code

Example XML Request

                <preferredDomainController>AD01.Fabrikam.Com </preferredDomainController> 
                <execute namespace="Exchange 2007 Resource Manager" procedure="RemoveExchangeResources" impersonate="1" >  
                        <before source="data" destination="executeData" mode="merge" /> 
                        <after source="executeData" destination="data" mode="merge" /> 

Example XML Response

                                <serverName>EXCHANGE_01 </serverName> 
                                <publicStoreName>Public Folder Store (EXCHANGE_01) </publicStoreName> 
                                <serverName>EXCHANGE_02 </serverName> 
                                <mailStoreName>Shared MailStore 01 </mailStoreName> 
                                <serverName>EXBE01 </serverName> 
                                <mailStoreName>ConsumerMailStore1 </mailStoreName> 
                                <serverName>EXCHANGE_FE01 </serverName> 
                <preferredDomainController>AD01.Fabrikam.Com </preferredDomainController> 

Applies To

Exchange 2007 Resource Manager Namespace for:

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.5

  • Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.0

See also


Exchange 2007 Resource Manager::AddExchangeResources
Exchange 2007 Resource Manager::ModifyExchangeResources