Remote Access

You can easily access your files and home computers while you are away from home. You can download files, upload files, and remotely connect to your home computers to run a program.

If you have Internet access while you are away from home, use the following steps to connect to Remote Access:

To connect to Remote Access while you are away from home

  1. Open a Web browser, and then connect to **https://**YourDomainName, where YourDomainName is the domain name that is associated with your home server. For example, if the domain name that is associated with your home server is, browse to

  2. Click Log on.

  3. Type your Windows Home Server user name and password, and then click Log on.


The person who manages Windows Home Server can associate a domain name with your home server by using the Windows Home Server Console. Ask this person for the domain name that you should use to connect to your home server.

You can now access your Windows Home Server shared folders and home computers. Just click the Shared Folders or Computers tab to get started.

Screenshot for Remote Access


You can connect only if your user account has Remote Access enabled. Ask the person who manages Windows Home Server to enable your user account for Remote Access.

See Also


Remote Access security