Clear or Remove Move Requests
Applies to: Exchange Server 2010 SP3, Exchange Server 2010 SP2
When a move request reaches a status of Completed or Completed with warning, you must clear the move request to remove the InTransit flag from the mailbox. You won't be able to move the mailbox again until you clear the previous move request. To learn more about the Completed with warning status, see Troubleshooting Mailbox Moves.
In addition, you can remove a move request that's in progress. When you remove a move request in progress, mailbox replication stops, and the replica is deleted from the target database. If you remove the move request and later decide to move the mailbox, you must start the move request process at the beginning.
To view all move requests in a multiple-domain environment in the Exchange Management Console, the recipient scope needs to be modified to view the entire forest. For more information, see Change the Recipient Scope.
Looking for other management tasks related to move requests? Check out Managing Move Requests.
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "Mailbox moves" entry in the Mailbox Permissions topic.
In the console tree, navigate to Recipient Configuration > Move Request.
In the result pane, select a recipient that has a Move Request Status of Completed or Completed with warning.
You can select multiple recipients in the result pane.
In the action pane, click Clear Move Request.
A warning message appears confirming that you want to clear the move request. Click Yes.
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "Mailbox moves" entry in the Mailbox Permissions topic.
In the console tree, navigate to Recipient Configuration > Move Request.
In the result pane, select a recipient that has a Move Request Status of Automatically Suspended, In Progress, Queued, or Completing.
You can select multiple recipients in the result pane.
In the action pane, click Remove Move Request.
A warning appears confirming that you want to remove the move request. Click Yes.
You need to be assigned permissions before you can perform this procedure. To see what permissions you need, see the "Mailbox moves" entry in the Mailbox Permissions topic.
This example clears the move request from all mailboxes that have a status of Completed.
Get-MoveRequest -MoveStatus Completed | Remove-MoveRequest
This example removes the move request for Ayla's mailbox.
Remove-MoveRequest -Identity ''
For detailed syntax and parameter information, see Remove-MoveRequest or Get-MoveRequest.
After you clear the move request, you can no longer view move request statistics for those mailboxes. For information about how to view the move history for a mailbox, see View Move Request Properties.
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