Enable an E-mail Notification Channel
Applies To: Operations Manager 2007 R2
Operations Manager 2007 notifications support sending e-mail through Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP).
Before you begin, gather the following information:
SMTP Server information (from your SMTP administrator)
Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the SMTP server
Port number for the SMTP server
Authentication method. You have two choices: Anonymous or Windows Integrated
Return e-mail address. This address is used in all e-mail notifications and will receive any replies to notifications.
E-mail subject text and body text. These are variables that are used to populate the subject and body of the e-mail with information unique to the alert.
Log on to the computer with a user account that is a member of the Operations Manager Administrator role for the Operations Manager 2007 management group.
In the Operations console, click the Administration view.
In the Navigation tree, under Notifications, right-click Channels. Click New channel and then point to E-mail.
Type a name for the channel, such as SMTP channel and optionally provide a description. Click Next.
In the SMTP servers area, click Add to display the Add SMTP server dialog box.
Type the FQDN of an SMTP server, type the port number, select the authentication method used by the SMTP server, and then click OK.
You can add one or more additional servers to act as backup servers. If the primary SMTP server is unavailable, notifications are sent through the secondary server.
Type the Return Address that should appear on e-mail notifications, and then in the Retry interval list, select the number of minutes to wait before trying to resend a notification to the primary SMTP server. Click Next.
If you have only one SMTP server and it’s unavailable, the Retry interval has no effect. The Retry interval is used when you have a secondary server and mail sending to the primary server fails. When this happens, Operations Manager switches to the secondary server and checks the Retry interval time. If the Retry interval time has passed, Operations Manager tries to use the primary server.
In the Default e-mail notification format area, specify the E-mail subject and E-mail message with wildcard parameters such as $Alert Source$ and $Alert Description$, and then specify the encoding type. You can click Placeholder for a full list of available variables.
If you receive notifications with missing or garbled text in the subject lines, select Generate subject line with no encoding (use if notification e-mails contain malformed subject lines. This option tells Operations Manager to send no encoding in the subject line; instead, the encoding from the SMTP server is used.
Click Finish, and then click Close to return to the Operations console.