Configuring the ApplicationGroup Table

You can use AzMan or the ApplicationGroup table to authorize access to hosted applications. For more information about ApplicationGroup table, see Configuring the Hosted Application UI.

You can assign access permissions to hosted applications by granting permissions to the Windows groups that the agents belong to. For example, supervisors might have access to certain hosted applications and normal agents might have access to other applications.

To set access permissions for applications

  1. Use SQL Management Studio to connect to the SQL server, CCFSQL.
  2. In the CcfInfrastructure database, open the Configuration table.
  3. In the ApplicationID column, type the ID of the application to which permissions need to be set. You can get the application ID from the Application table.
  4. In the GroupName column, type the Windows group name to which permissions need to be granted. All the members of the Windows group will be able to access the application specified in the ApplicationID column.