Importing Credential Mappings

You can add authentication mapping by importing the completed mapping in an Excel 2003 or later spreadsheet format. The Security Extensions component imports the mappings from the spreadsheet by reading the three ColumnNames values.

These are stored in the Microsoft.Ccf.Csr.CredentialMappingTool.exe.config file located in <InstallDir>\Program Files\Microsoft CCF 2009\Administrative Tools. Shown below are the values stored in the config file. Set up an Excel table with three columns - CustomUsername, CustomDomain, and CCFUsername. In order to allow the mapping tool to read the table, the column names must be used as they appear in the config file.


Note: Changing the name values for sheet and column in the config file is not supported

  • AdminToolLDAPPath – contains the LDAP path of the CCF Active Directory.
  • CurrentDomian – contains the domain name of the CCF server
  • ColumnNames.CustomUsername – contains the custom Usernames
  • ColumnNames.CustomDomain – contains the custom Domain names
  • ColumnNames.CCFUsername – contains the CCFUserNames that are mapped to the custom UserNames
  • SpreadSheetName – contains the name of the spreadsheet that holds the table
  • ADPasswordNeverExpires – sets whether the password for the newly created AD accounts expire or not. Value is true or false

To import credential settings:

  1. In the Admin Console, expand the root node <machineName> in the left-hand tree pane.

  2. Expand the Credential Mappings Settings node in the left-hand tree pane.

  3. Click the Credential Mappings Node.

  4. Right-click in the blank area of the List View pane and click the New and then select Import Credential Mappings.

  5. The Import Credential Mappings wizard is displayed.

  6. Click Next to view the Import Mappings Wizard (Step 1 of 1) screen.

  7. Dd632519.64722967-e805-4c2a-a33f-fbea9853c4d1(en-us,TechNet.10).png

  8. After creating the Excel spreadsheet (as mentioned above), click Browse to select it.

  9. Click Preview to display the results.

  10. Optionally, select Overwrite Existing Users. This overwrites the security settings for the existing users with the security settings imported.

  11. Optionally, enter a rule for the CCFUserName column. For more information about adding rules see, Creating a Rule for Mapping Multiple Custom Users.

  12. Click Add Mappings. When the mappings are added the result will be displayed in red at the bottom of the window.

  13. Click Finish to close the wizard.