Enabling Assistance in Agent Desktop

By default, the assistance menu is not available in the ID. You can enable the Assistance menu in the ID, by following the steps given below:

To enable assistance in Agent Desktop:

  1. Optionally, following these steps if you are using Windows Vista as a client:

    1. Install RTC. To install RTC, run the file CcfRtcApiSetupForVista en-us.msi in the folder <InstallDir>/Others.
    2. Edit the AgentDesktop.exe.manifest from the folder <InstallDir>\AgentDesktop\ to uncomment the section Uncomment if using RTC 1.3.
    3. Save and close the AgentDesktop.exe.manifest file.
  2. Start Visual Studio.

  3. Open the reference implementation AgentDesktop.sln from the folder <InstallDir>\Reference Implementations\.

  4. In the solution, open the file Desktop.cs in the project Microsoft.Ccf.Samples.Csr.AgentDesktop. If you are using ID with toolbar, open the file DesktopToolbar.cs.

  5. Uncomment the following declaration:

  6. public RtcLib.RtcLib Rtc;
  7. Search for the code entry this.requestAssistance.Visible and set it to true, as shown below:

  8. this.requestAssistance.Visible = true;
  9. Uncomment the following code section:

  10. if (Rtc != null)
      Rtc = null;
  11. Uncomment the code section starting with the commented heading – Set up client for handling IM.

  12. Uncomment the code section starting with the commented heading – Setup Request Assistance menu.

  13. Uncomment the code section starting with the commented heading - // This handles the selection of any menu item under the Request Assistance button.

  14. Build the project, and copy the AgentDesktop.exe file from the Bin folder of the project.

  15. Replace the AgentDesktop.exe file in the location <InstallDir>/AgentDesktop.