How to upgrade a gateway server


This version of Operations Manager has reached the end of support. We recommend you to upgrade to Operations Manager 2022.

After you upgrade the management servers in your management group, you upgrade any gateway servers. The procedure to upgrade is performed locally on the gateway server. You can then verify whether the upgrade is successful. Before you begin the upgrade process, ensure that your gateway server meets the minimum supported configurations. For more information, see System Requirements for System Center Operations Manager.

To upgrade a gateway server

  1. Sign in to a computer that hosts the gateway server with an account that's a member of the Operations Manager Administrators role for your Operations Manager management group.

  2. On the Operations Manager media, run Setup.exe.

  3. In the Optional Installations section, select Gateway management server.

  4. On the Welcome page, select Next.

  5. On the Important Notice page, read the Microsoft Software License Terms, and select I Agree.

  6. On the The wizard is ready to begin gateway upgrade page, select Upgrade.

  7. On the Completing Setup wizard page, select Finish.

To upgrade a gateway server from the Command Prompt

  1. Sign in to a computer that's hosting the gateway server with an account that's a member of the Operations Manager Administrators role for your Operations Manager management group.

  2. Open a Command Prompt window using the Run as Administrator option.

  3. Change the directory to the Operations Manager installation media and change the directory again to gateway\AMD64, where the MOMGateway.msi file is located.

  4. Run the following command where D:\ is the location for the upgrade log file.

    msiexec /i MOMgateway.msi /qn /l*v D:\logs\GatewayUpgrade.log

To verify the gateway server upgrade

  1. In the Operations console, in the navigation pane, select Administration.

  2. Under Device Management, select Management Servers.

  3. In the Management Servers pane, verify the value listed in the Version column, as per the information available in release build versions.

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