
Gets the current status of a job instance.


   [-JobInstance] <WASJobInstance[]>


The Get-WASJobInstanceStatus cmdlet gets the current status of the specified job instance, including the computers and the tasks running on the computers. The JobInstance parameter is required.


Example 1: Get detailed status of a running job

The first command gets the job and saves it as a variable.
PS C:\> $job = Get-WASJob -JobName *Automated*

The second command gets the job instances that are running, and saves it as a variable.
PS C:\> $instance = Get-WASJobInstance -Job $job | where {$_.IsComplete -eq $false}

The third command displays the status of the job instances.
PS C:\> Get-WASJobInstanceStatus -JobInstance $instance

Example 2: Get a list of computers still running within a specified job instance

The first command gets the job and saves it as a variable.
PS C:\> $job = Get-WASJob -JobName *Automated*

The second command gets the job instances that are running, and saves it as a variable.
PS C:\> $instance = Get-WASJobInstance -Job $job | where {$_.IsComplete -eq $false}

The third command gets the computers that are running for that job instance.
PS C:\> $runningComps = foreach ($status in Get-WASJobInstanceStatus -JobInstance $instance) { foreach ($comp in $status.computers) { if ($comp.Status -eq "Running") { $comp.Computer} }}

The fourth command formats the output data as a table.
PS C:\> format-table -property ComputerName,Location,RebootRequired -inputobject $runningComps



Specifies the job instance that you want to get status for. Use the Get-WASJobInstance cmdlet to get the job instance object to use with this parameter. This is a required parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False