
Creates a node template and optionally associates an operating system image with the node template.


   [-Name] <String>
   [-Description <String>]
   [-UpdateCategory <UpdateCategory>]
   [-UpdateName <String[]>]
   [-Type <InstallHpcType>]
   [-ClusterConnectionString <String[]>]
   [-Scheduler <String[]>]
   [-Name] <String>
   [-Description <String>]
   -Image <HpcImage>
   [-ProductKey <String>]
   [-AdminCredential <PSCredential>]
   [-UpdateCategory <UpdateCategory>]
   [-UpdateName <String[]>]
   [-Type <InstallHpcType>]
   [-ClusterConnectionString <String[]>]
   [-Scheduler <String[]>]
   [-Name] <String>
   [-Description <String>]
   -ImageName <String>
   [-WimFileName <String>]
   [-ProductKey <String>]
   [-AdminCredential <PSCredential>]
   [-UpdateCategory <UpdateCategory>]
   [-UpdateName <String[]>]
   [-Type <InstallHpcType>]
   [-ClusterConnectionString <String[]>]
   [-Scheduler <String[]>]


The New-HpcNodeTemplate cmdlet creates a node template, and optionally associates an operating system image with the node template.


Example 1: Create a broker node template

PS C:\>New-HpcNodeTemplate -Name "MyNodeTemplate" -Type BrokerNode

This command creates a node template for broker nodes named MyNodeTemplate.

Example 2: Create a node template and add a description

PS C:\>New-HpcNodeTemplate -Name "TestNodeTemplate" -Description "Template for testing."

This command creates a node template named TestNodeTemplate and has a description of "Template for testing."

Example 3: Create a node template and associate it with an operating system image

PS C:\>New-HpcNodeTemplate -Name "NodeTemplate1" -ImageName "MyImage" -Multicast -ProductKey "12345-67890-ABCDE-FGHIJ-KLMNO"

This command creates a node template named NodeTemplate1 and associates the operating system image named MyImage with the node template. This example also specifies that the deployment process should multicast the operating system image, and specifies a product key for activating the operating system. This example requires that the HPC cluster has only one image named MyImage.

Example 4: Create a node template, associate it with an operating system image, and specify which updates to apply

PS C:\>New-HpcNodeTemplate -Name "NodeTemplate2" -ImageName "MyImage" -WimFileName "MyImages.wim" -UpdateCategory Critical

This command creates a node template named NodeTemplate2 and associates the operating system image named MyImage from the Windows Image (.wim) file named MyImages.wim with the node template. This example also specifies that only critical updates should be applied when you deploy or update nodes that are associated with the node template.



Specifies a PSCredential object for the administrator credential that you want to use when you deploy the node, if you do not want to use an automatically generated credential. Use the Get-Credential cmdlet to get a PSCredential object.

The user name for this credential must be Administrator. You can only specify this parameter if you specified an image for the node template by specifying the Image or ImageName parameter. If you do not specify the AdminCredential parameter when you specify an image for the node template, the New-HpcNodeTemplate cmdlet automatically generates the credentials and password for the Administrator.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies an array of cluster connection strings for the cluster to which you want to add the device drivers. The value format is host1,host2,host3. If you do not specify the ClusterConnectionString parameter, this cmdlet uses the connection string on the head node that the CCP_CONNECTIONSTRING environment variable specifies. To set this environment variable, run the following cmdlet: Set-Content Env: CCP_CONNECTIONSTRING \<head_node_name\>.

This parameter was introduced in HPC Pack 2016.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Indicates whether to prompt the user for the administrator password when deploying the node. A nonzero value or $True prompts the user for the administrator password that you want to use when deploying the node. A value of 0 or $False does not prompt the user for the administrator password that you want to use when deploying the node.

This parameter was introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2. It is not available in previous versions.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a description to use for the node template.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies an HpcImage object for the operating system image that you want to associate with the new node template. When you deploy a compute node with the node template, the deployment process installs the operating system from this image. Use the Get-HpcImage cmdlet to get an HpcImage object for an operating system image. You cannot specify the Image parameter if you specify the ImageName parameter or both the ImageName and WimFileName parameters.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:True
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the name of the operating system image that you want to associate with the new node template. When you deploy a compute node with the node template, the deployment process installs the operating system from this image. Use the Get-HpcImage cmdlet to view the names of the available operating system images.

You cannot specify both the ImageName and Image parameters. If you specify a name for the ImageName parameter that multiple Windows Image (.wim) files share, you must also specify the name of the .wim file with the WimFileName parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Indicates that this operation multicasts the operating system image during the deployment of nodes that are associated with the new node template. You can only specify the Multicast parameter if you also specify the Image or ImageName parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the name to use for the new node template. The maximum length of the name is 250 characters.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies a product key to use to activate the operating system on nodes that are associated with the node template. The format of the product key consists of five groups of five alphanumeric characters separated by hyphens (-). You can specify the ProductKey parameter only if you also specify the Image or the ImageName parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the host name or IP address of the head node for the cluster to which you want to add the node template. The value must be a valid computer name or IP address. If you do not specify the Scheduler parameter, this cmdlet uses the scheduler on the head node that the CCP_SCHEDULER environment variable specifies. To set this environment variable, run the following cmdlet:

Set-Content Env:CCP_SCHEDULER \<head_node_name\>

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the type of node to which the node template should apply. The acceptable values for this parameter are:

  • BrokerNode
  • ComputeNode
  • WorkstationNode

This parameter was introduced in HPC Pack 2008 R2. It is not available in previous versions.

Accepted values:BrokerNode, ComputeNode, WorkstationNode
Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the category of updates to apply when you update or deploy a node that is associated with the node template. Valid values are:

  • All
  • Critical
  • None

Specify All to apply all updates, Critical to apply only critical updates, or None to not apply updates.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies an array of the names of updates to apply when you update or deploy a node that is associated with the node template. Specify each of the updates by using the Microsoft Knowledge Base number for the update.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False


Specifies the name of the Windows Image (.wim) file that contains the image. You cannot specify both the WimFileName and Image parameters. If you specify the WinFileName parameter, you must also specify the ImageName parameter.

Default value:None
Accept pipeline input:False
Accept wildcard characters:False






  • You must be a cluster administrator to run this cmdlet successfully.