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ActivityType members

This object, member, or enumeration is deprecated and is not intended to be used in your code. SharePoint 2013 includes the following APIs for working with feeds: .NET client, JavaScript, REST, and server. See Work with social feeds in SharePoint 2013 to choose the API for your specific feed-related programming tasks.

Defines the display of ActivityEvent objects that belong to this type.

The ActivityType type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ActivityTemplates Gets a collection of ActivityTemplate objects for this ActivityType.
Public property ActivityTypeId Gets the identifier for this ActivityType.
Public property ActivityTypeName Gets or sets the name of this ActivityType.
Public property ActivityTypeNameLocStringName Gets or sets a value for the name of the localized string in the resource file that you are using to define the display for ActivityEvent objects in this ActivityType.
Public property ActivityTypeNameLocStringResourceFile Gets or sets a value for the name of the resource file that contains the localized string or strings that are used to define the display for this event.
Public property AllowRollup
Public property ApplicationId Gets the application identifier for the ActivityApplication that contains this ActivityType.
Public property CreatedBy Gets a string value representing the name of the entity that created this ActivityType.
Public property CreationTime Gets the DateTime object representing the time when this ActivityType was created.
Public property Description Gets or sets a description for this ActivityType.
Public property GatheringInterval
Public property IsConsolidated
Public property IsPublished Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ActivityType has been published.
Public property IsSoftDeleted Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ActivityType has been marked for deletion in the database.
Public property ItemTimeToLive
Public property LastUpdateTime Gets or sets a DateTime indicating when this ActivityType was last updated.
Public property ModifiedBy Gets a string value representing the name of the entity that created this ActivityType.
Public property PartitionId Gets the identifier of the current data partition.



  Name Description
Public method Commit Commits all changes to this ActivityType to the database.
Public method Dispose Releases unmanaged resources used by this ActivityType.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method Refresh Repopulates this ActivityType with data from the database.
Public method Remove This method is not implemented.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See also


ActivityType class

Microsoft.Office.Server.ActivityFeed namespace