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Manages the settings that define the URL pattern to match for the rule. This section contains the following UI elements:
Element Name
Match the content within
Specifies the list of predefined HTML tags to which the rule applies.
Custom Tags
Specifies the group of custom HTML tags to which the rule applies. This element is available when Use Custom Tags is selected in the Match the content within element.
Requested URL
Possible values are Matches the pattern or Does not match the pattern.
Specifies whether regular expressions, wildcard characters, or an exact match will be used to match URL strings.
When an existing condition is selected, opens the Add/Edit Condition Dialog Box, from which you can edit the condition for the rule.
When an existing condition is selected, removes the condition from the rule.
Move Up
Promotes the selected condition to a higher priority level in the list of conditions; this enables the condition to be evaluated before conditions that are lower in priority in the list.
Move Down
Demotes the selected condition to a lower priority in the list of conditions; this enables the condition to be evaluated after conditions that are higher in priority in the list.
Track capture groups across conditions
Specifies whether the capture groups from all matched conditions are available through back references.
Manages the action to take when the URL string matches the specified rule pattern and rule conditions. This section contains the following UI elements:
Element Name
Action Type
Displays the action type of the rule. Possible values are Rewrite or None. Other UI elements will be displayed or hidden depending on the action type that is specified.
Action Properties
Displays the properties for the selected action type. This section is available only for the Rewrite action type.
Specifies value syntax for the rule. This element is available only for the Rewrite action type.
Stop processing of subsequent rules
When selected, specifies that rules that come after the current rule will not be processed. This element is available only for the Rewrite and None action types.
Actions Pane Elements
Element Name
Saves the changes to the rule.
Cancels the changes to the rule and reverts back to the last saved version of the rule.