ListManager.RemoveUserFromMailingList Method (PIA)

Use this method to remove a user from a mailing list.


[Visual Basic .NET]

Imports Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Targeting
Public Sub RemoveUserFromMailingList(listID As Object,
  UserEmail As String)


using Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Targeting;
public void RemoveUserFromMailingList(objectlistID,


[Visual Basic .NET]

  • listID
    An Object that contains the ID or name of the list.
  • UserEmail
    A String that contains the e-mail address of the user.


  • listID
    An object that contains the ID or name of the list.
  • UserEmail
    A string that contains the e-mail address of the user.


This method may throw one of many mapped exceptions or an exception of type COMException. See Standard COM Errors for additional details.

[Visual Basic .NET]

The following table shows the custom COM errors that a COMException can wrap.

Value Description
&H8C400008 The specified list is currently busy with another operation.
&H8C40001D The specified list is in a FAILED state and may not be used for the operation.
&H8C400006 The specified list does not exist.
&H8C40000D The list is designated as a Mailable list but does not contain an rcp_email column.
&H8C400019 The operation requires a static list and the specified list is dynamic.
&H8C400018 The operation requires a Mailing list and the specified list is not a mailing list.
&H8C400003 Error while executing SQL/ADO operation.
&H8C40000E The list is designated as a User list but does not contain an rcp_guid column.
&H80040007 The ListManager object has not been properly initialized.


The following table shows the custom COM errors that a COMException can wrap.

Value Description
0x8C400008 The specified list is currently busy with another operation.
0x8C40001D The specified list is in a FAILED state and may not be used for the operation.
0x8C400006 The specified list does not exist.
0x8C40000D The list is designated as a Mailable list but does not contain an rcp_email column.
0x8C400019 The operation requires a static list and the specified list is dynamic.
0x8C400018 The operation requires a Mailing list and the specified list is not a mailing list.
0x8C400003 Error while executing SQL/ADO operation.
0x8C40000E The list is designated as a User list but does not contain an rcp_guid column.
0x80040007 The ListManager object has not been properly initialized.

[Visual Basic .NET]


oListManager.RemoveUserFromMailingList _


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Targeting

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: listmanagerlib (in listmanagerlib.dll)

See Also

ListManager Class

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