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Primary Interop Assemblies

Assemblies are the binary components that are managed and run by the common language runtime. Assemblies contain the code to be run in Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL), the metadata that describes the objects stored in the assembly, the version information associated with the objects in the assembly, and more. They are roughly equivalent to a COM DLL with a type library embedded in it. To make the Commerce Server object model available to the common language runtime, there is a set of Primary Interop Assemblies that act as proxies, forwarding all API calls from managed code to Microsoft native COM APIs.


  • The Base Class Library uses the Primary Interop Assemblies to interoperate with Commerce Server 2002 core services. You should use the Base Class Library instead of using the Primary Interop Assemblies directly. The Common Language Runtime Interop Layer does not manage the lifetime of a COM object for you; the Base Class Library does, resulting in increased performance and stability. The Base Class Library simplifies the programming model and follows the .NET Framework design guidelines.

See Also

Primary Interop Assembly Namespaces


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