ProductCatalog3 Class (PIA)

Use this object to alter catalogs and to modify catalog contents. The ProductCatalog3 object is the primary object for working with catalogs in the Product Catalog System.


Method Description
AddLanguages Adds support for an additional language.
AddPriceRule Adds a price rule to a virtual catalog for a specific product or category.
AddSpecificationSearchClause Adds a search constraint to the search context when performing a specification search of this catalog.
AddVirtualCatalogRule Adds an inclusion or exclusion rule for a specific product, category, variant, or catalog to the current catalog.
BeginSpecificationSearch Initiates a specification search of this catalog.
CreateCategory Creates a new category based on the specified category definition.
CreateCustomCatalog This method is obsolete.
CreateProduct Creates a new product based on the specified product definition.
DeleteCategory Deletes a category from this catalog.
DeleteCustomCatalog This method is obsolete.
DeleteProduct Deletes a product from this catalog.
GenerateCustomCatalog This method is obsolete.
GetCatalogAttributes Returns the attributes of this catalog. The returned recordset is disconnected and updateable.
GetCategory Returns the specified category.
GetCategoryCustomPrice This method is obsolete.
GetCustomCatalogAttributes This method is obsolete.
GetDependentCatalogs Returns a recordset with a single field containing all of the virtual catalogs that are dependent on this catalog.
GetLanguages Returns a recordset with a single field containing all of the supported languages.
GetPriceRules Returns a recordset containing the specified price rules.
GetProduct Returns the specified product.
GetProductVariant Returns a recordset with a single row containing all of the properties for the specified product variant.
GetSpecificationSearchClauses Returns a recordset with a single field containing all of the search clauses for a specification search.
GetVirtualCatalogRules Returns a recordset containing the specified virtual catalog rules.
GuaranteedSpecificationSearch Performs a specification search in which search constraints are removed until a match is found.
PerformSpecificationSearch Performs a specification search of this catalog using the specified search context.
Purge Removes deleted products from the catalog table.
RebuildVirtualCatalog Rebuilds virtual catalogs.
RegenerateFreeTextSearchIndex Updates the free-text search index for this catalog.
RemoveLanguage Removes the specified language from this catalog.
RemovePriceRule Removes the specified price rule.
RemoveSpecificationSearchClause Removes the last search constraint from the specified search context.
RemoveVirtualCatalogRule Removes the specified virtual catalog rule.
SetCatalogAttributes Sets attributes for this catalog.
SetCategoryCustomPrice This method is obsolete.
SetCustomCatalogAttributes This method is obsolete.


Property Type Description
BaseCatalogName String This property is obsolete. Contains the name of the catalog.
CatalogName String Contains the name of this catalog.

This property is read-only.

IdentifyingProductProperty String Contains the name of the column used to uniquely identify products and product families.

This property is read-only.

IdentifyingVariantProperty String Contains the name of the column used to uniquely identify product variants.

This property is read-only.

Language BSTR Contains the active language.

This property is read/write.

RootCategories ADODB26Lib._Recordset Returns a recordset containing the names of categories that are the root categories for this catalog.

This property is read-only.

RootProducts ADODB26Lib._Recordset Returns a recordset containing the products that are part of this catalog, but are not contained in any category.

This property is read-only.

SearchableCategories ADODB26Lib._Recordset Returns a recordset with a single field that contains the names of the categories that are defined as searchable.

This property is read-only.


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Catalog

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: cataloglib (in cataloglib.dll)


The ProductCatalog3 object is a dependent object. Obtain a pointer to the IProductCatalog3 interface by calling one of the following methods:

Ee796785.note(en-US,CS.20).gif Note

  • There is limit on the number of ProductCatalog3 objects upon which you can search. Full-text search breaks when searching more than 256 ProductCatalog3 objects. This is a limitation of SQL Server 2000.

Many of the ProductCatalog3 methods use a RecordSet object to return data. For more information, see CatalogProduct Recordset.

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