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Code to Use Caching with a Catalog

The following code demonstrates both the CacheManager object setup code required in the Application_OnStart event of the Global.asa file, and the CacheManager object access code required within Active Server Pages (ASP) using the CacheManager object. The cache can be either a Dictionary or LRUCache object. The following steps demonstrate the use of an LRUCache object and stores recordsets. You can use a similar cache to store HTML.

  1. Create the CacheManager object in the global.asa file.

    Dim oCacheManager
    Set oCacheManager = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.Cachemanager")
    oCacheManager.AppUrl = MY_APPLICATION_URL
    Set Application("MSCSCacheManager") = oCacheManager
    ' Create a configuration dictionary for the cache.
    dim dictProductCategoryCacheConfig
    set dictProductCategoryCacheConfig = GetDictionary()
    dictProductCategoryCacheConfig("ConnectionString") = _
    dictProductCategoryCacheConfig("CacheSize") = 10000
    dictProductCategoryCacheConfig("TableName") = _
    dictProductCategoryCacheConfig("Cachename") = PRODUCT_CATEGORY_CACHE
    dictProductCategoryCacheConfig("AppURL") = MY_APPLICATION_URL
    ' Create and initialize the cache to use LRUCache objects.
    oCacheManager.RefreshInterval(PRODUCT_CATEGORY_CACHE) = 0
    oCacheManager.RetryInterval(PRODUCT_CATEGORY_CACHE) = 5 * 60
    oCachemanager.CacheObjectProgId(PRODUCT_CATEGORY_CACHE) = _
    oCacheManager.LoaderProgID(PRODUCT_CATEGORY_CACHE) = _
    Set oCacheManager.LoaderConfig(PRODUCT_CATEGORY_CACHE) = _
    ' LRUCacheFlush is a cache loader component supplied 
    ' to work specifically with LRUCaches.
  2. Get the cache in the ASP page. The CacheManager object will return a cache by name. If the requested cache does not exist, the CacheManager object will automatically create an empty one.

    ' Get a local reference to the CacheManager object on the ASP page:
    Dim oCache
    Dim g_MSCSCacheManager
    Set g_MSCSCacheManager = Application("MSCSCacheManager")
    ' Get the cache from the CacheManager object:
    Set oCache = g_MSCSCacheManager.getCache(PRODUCT_CATEGORY_CACHE)
  3. Perform a lookup. This example is part of a function named GetCategoriesRS that returns the child categories if given the name of the parent category. The name of the parent category, contained in the variable parentCategory, serves as the cache key.

    Dim rsChildCategories
    ' First, try to retrieve the child
    ' categories recordset from the cache.
    Set rsChildCategories = oCache.Lookup(parentCategory)
    ' Test whether the cache returned the requested recordset.
    If Not IsNull(rsChildCategories) Then
        ' It did, so return the recordset.
        Set GetCategoriesRS = rsChildCategories
        ' It did not, so get it from the catalog.
        Set rsChildCategories = _
       ' Put the recordset in the cache for future use.
        Set oCache.Insert(parentCategory, rsChildCategories)
       ' Return the child categories recordset.
        Set GetCategoriesRS = rsChildCategories
    End If

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