Retail2002: International Retail Site Infrastructure

The International Retail Site is an ASP.NET-based site. It is based on the Commerce Server 2002 Base Class Library (BCL). This approach reduces the amount of code in the site compared to basing the site on the Commerce Server 2002 Primary Interop Assembly (PIA) or COM classes.

Reference information about the BCL can be found in the .NET Class Reference section. Additional information about using the BCL can be found in ASP.NET Samples in the Commerce Server SDK.

The International Retail Site is implemented as a .NET solution using multiple Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual C# projects. The codebehind pages for the ASPX pages are written in Visual Basic .NET with core functionality in compiled assemblies written in Visual C#. All the source code for the assemblies is included in subfolders of the unpackaged site.

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