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Use this method to unpack the data stored in the MarshalColumn database column for a given row, and returns the resulting row in a Dictionary object.


Function ProcessData(pdispData As IDispatch) As Object



An object reference to a Dictionary object that contains the marshaled data.

Return Values

If this method completes successfully, it returns an object reference to a Dictionary object that contains the unmarshaled data.

Error Values

This method sets the Number property of the global Err object to S_OK (&H00000000) to indicate success and to standard COM error values to indicate failure. For more information about standard COM errors, see Standard COM Errors. Additional information may be available using the global Err object. In particular, the Description property may contain a text description of the error.


For more information about memory ownership issues related to COM property and method parameters, see Managing COM Parameter Memory.


' dSource is a Dictionary object; OrderFormStorage is 
' an initialized Commerce.DBStorage object; dDictionary is a 
' Dictionary object which will receive the unmarshaled data

Order.order_id = "Order_tmp"
Order.shopper_id = "Shopper_tmp"
dDictionary = OrderFormStorage.ProcessData(dSource)

See Also

DBStorage Object


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