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SimpleFindResultInfo Object


Use this object to specify search criteria when using the SimpleFind and SimpleDelete methods of the OrderGroupManager object.

ProgID:   Commerce.SimpleFindResultInfo (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   SimpleFindResultInfo
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2000 OrderGroup Type Library
DLL Name:   requisition.dll
Threading Model:   Apartment

The properties of the SimpleFindResultInfo object are shown in the following table.

Property Type Description
Columns Variant Specifies a custom set of columns to be returned by the OrderGroupManagerSimpleFind method.
JoinLineItemInfo Boolean Specifies whether to join the OrderFormLineItems table with the results.
JoinOrderFormInfo Boolean Specifies whether the OrderFormHeader table is joined in the results.
OrderGroupSortColumn Variant Specifies the column name to sort on.
PageNumber Long Specifies the page number of the resultset to show if the resultset exceeds the PageSize.
PageSize Long Specifies the page size.
SortDirection Variant Specifies the sort direction.


The following table shows the data returned by the OrderGroupManagerSimpleFind method when it has been passed to the SimpleFindResultInfo object with the JoinOrderFormInfo and JoinLineItemInfo properties set to the indicated values.

JoinOrderFormInfo JoinLineItemInfo SimpleFind Method Data Returned
False False One record for each OrderGroup that meets the search criteria. Returns OrderGroup data only. The default setting is False.
True False One record for each OrderForm that meets the search criteria. Returns OrderGroup and OrderForm data.
True True One record for each line item that meets the search criteria. Returns OrderGroup, OrderForm, and line item data.
False True One record for each line item that meets the search criteria. Returns OrderGroup, OrderForm, and line item data.

See Also

Business Process Objects

SimpleFindSearchInfo Object

OrderGroupManager Object

OrderGroup Object

OrderForm Object

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