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Data Warehouse Analysis Server Connection Strings

The Data Warehouse has the following connection strings to the Analysis Server OLAP database:

Server-Side Connection String: ConnStr_OLAP

Client-Side Connection String: ConnStr_OLAP_Client

Secondary Analysis Server Connection String: ConnStr_OLAP_Ha

Server-Side Connection String: ConnStr_OLAP

In the ASP code this is g_MSCSDataWarehouseOLAPConnStr.

This is the server-side connection string used to query the OLAP database. This connection string is used as follows when running any OLAP report:

  • For static reports, this connection string is used to query the OLAP database for the report data.
  • For dynamic reports, this connection string is used to check that the cube used in the report is ready to be queried before running the report.

The format of this connection string is:

Provider=MSOLAP;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Data
 Source=ServerName;Initial Catalog=OLAPDatabaseName

By default, any member of the Windows domain of the server where OLAP resides will have query (read) access to the Commerce Server 2002 OLAP cubes.

Client-Side Connection String: ConnStr_OLAP_Client

In the ASP code this is g_MSCSDataWarehouseOLAPConnStrPivot.

This is the client-side connection string used by the PivotTable in dynamic OLAP reports to query the OLAP database.

The format of this connection string is:

Provider=MSOLAP;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Data 
Source=ServerName;Initial Catalog=OLAPDatabaseName

By default, any member of the Windows domain of the server where OLAP resides will have query (read) access to the Commerce Server 2002 OLAP cubes.


  • It is recommended that you use HTTPS and Basic Authentication in the above connection string. The user ID and password can be any valid Windows user on the Analysis Services computer in the form of <domain>\<userID>, for example, REDMOND\SeanChai.
  • You may want to create a new user account with permissions to query only the OLAP cubes.
  • This connection string did not exist in Commerce Server 2000. When you upgrade from Commerce Server 2000 to Commerce Server 2002, the information for this connection string is copied from ConnStr_OLAP.

For information about configuring OLAP over HTTPS, see Accessing the Analysis Server Over HTTPS.

Secondary Analysis Server Connection String: ConnStr_OLAP_HA

This connection string is used for OLAP in high-availability installations and staging environments where you have a second Analysis Server in case the first Analysis Server fails. This connection string is available for customer use, but is not currently referenced by the Business Desk Analysis modules.

The format of this connection string is:

Provider=MSOLAP;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Data 
Source=ServerName;Initial Catalog=OLAPDatabaseName

See Also

Configuring Data Warehouse Connection Strings

OLE DB Connection Strings for Data Warehouse

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