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AdminEventLog Object


Use this object to write error, informational, and warning messages to the event log.

ProgID:   Commerce.AdminEventLog (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   AdminEventLog
COM Interface Name:   IAdminEventLog
Interface ID Constant:   None
Header File:   None
Type Library Name:   Commerce Admin 1.0 Type Library
DLL Name:   MSCSadmin.dll
Threading Model:   Both

In C++, use the IAdminEventLog interface to access the methods of the AdminEventLog object.

The methods of the AdminEventLog object are shown in the following table.

Method Description
Initialize Initializes the site, the source, and the event server for writing events.
WriteErrorEvent Writes error messages (such as resource problems, missing files, and so on) to the Commerce Server event log.
WriteInformationalEvent Writes informational messages (such as names of logged-on users) to the Commerce Server event log.
WriteWarningEvent Writes warning messages (such as low memory levels) to the Commerce Server event log.

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