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CommerceServerSite Configuration Section

Use this section to configure site properties and document security. You also use this section to configure links for user navigation and user preference.


The following properties are set in this section:

  • EnableApplicationErrorHandler
    If true, the application error handler is enabled.
  • DisablePassport
    If true, the Passport service is disabled on the site.
  • SupportInlineSignIn
    If true the Passport inline sign-in feature is enabled. This feature is not supported on the site.
  • MinimumUsernameLength
    An Int32 specifying the minimum length for a user name.
  • MaximumUsernameLength
    An Int32 specifying the maximum length for a user name. The maximum value is 256.
  • InvalidUsernameCharacters
    A string that contains invalid characters for user names.
  • MinimumEmailLength
    An Int32 specifying the minimum length for an e-mail name.
  • MaximumEmailLength
    An Int32 specifying the maximum length for an e-mail name.
  • MinimumPasswordLength
    An Int32 specifying the minimum length for a password.
  • MaximumPasswordLength
    An Int32 specifying the maximum length for a password.
  • MaxLineitemsInBasket
    An Int32 specifying the maximum number of items that can be placed in a cart. This is set at 100 as a security feature.
  • InvalidPasswordCharacters
    A string containing characters that are invalid for a password. The default is "<>&" ?*|:=+;.,)(#[]/^"
  • InvalidTextBoxCharacters
    A string containing characters that are invalid in a text box. The file AgoraSecurity.wsf validates all text box entries against this string. This is a security feature to prevent entering an executable string in a text box. The default is "<>&"?*|=+;%)([]\/^"


This section provides a list of the secure documents that must be either accessed over a secure HTTPS channel or that require authentication or both. Use this section to set up the default behavior. The actual behavior can be overridden at run time by the site code.


Use this section to configure site-generated links for user navigation.


Use this section to configure the site-generated link for user locale selection.

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