How can I restore the System Recovery Tool server using DPM 2007, if the original server goes down?

Applies To: System Center Data Protection Manager 2007

To restore the System Recovery Tool server

  1. Boot up the server with the new installation of the DPM System Recovery Tool.

  2. Launch the DPM Admin console on the DPM server and find the protection group that protects the DPM System Recovery Tool server that went down.

  3. From the Recovery pane, select the following data sources one at time:

    1. Under the protected SQL instances select RMFileStore and SystemRecoveryTool (there should not be any other instance of a SQL Server database in this list).

    2. Next, select All protected volumes and select the drive that shows up in the list.


      If the DPM System Recovery Tool file store is located on a different drive than the installation directory, you may have two drives to select (one after another).

    3. Select the recovery point that you want to restore from by picking a date and an appropriate recovery point time.

    4. Initiate the recovery process by clicking Recover from the right pane.

    5. By default, the data is recovered to the same location it was backed up from.


      If the new installation of the DPM System Recovery Tool is in a different location, make appropriate changes in the recovery wizard so that the files are recovered to the new location.

    6. You can make sure that the recovery of each data source is successful by looking at the Monitoring pane of the Admin console.

  4. Log in to the DPM System Recovery Tool server and open a Command prompt. Type the following commands:

    cd %srtinstalldir%
    PrePostScript.cmd Rcvry

  5. Right-click each DPM System Recovery Tool task in the %windir%\Tasks directory and set the password by selecting Properties->Set Password.

  6. Restart the File Store service for the recovery points to be displayed in the Recovery Center.

  7. The DPM System Recovery Tool server should be up and running at this time. Ensure that all your schedules and recovery points are recovered properly.