What's New

Applies To: Operations Manager 2007, Operations Manager 2007 R2

The following features are new in the September 2010 release of the AIX management packs:

  • A new overrideable property has been added for all logfile rules.  The new property enables generating individual alerts for each logfile entry.  The default behavior is that multiple matching logfile entries create only a single alert.  However, the new property, IndividualAlerts, can be set to “true” to enable the creation of a separate alert for each logfile entry.   Also, note that the Suppression option may need to be removed from the logfile rule in order to fully achieve individual alerts for each logfile entry.

  • The Ping implementation has changed from using WMI to the ping.exe. This provides clearer output.

  • Discovery intervals have changed to 14400 seconds. Also, the cross platform discoveries now use the discovery scheduler.

  • Added object filters to linked reports to make it easier to populate the input parameters.

The following issues are fixed in the February 2010 release of the AIX management packs:

  • When the Operations Manager Management server fails over to another Management server, alerts in the failed server’s log files may be re-generated and CPU load may increase significantly.

  • The Operations Manager Management server fails to replace display string parameter while creating the alert for monitor state change.

The following issues are fixed in the December 2009 release of the AIX management packs:

  • Add the TimeZoneOffset property to the Unix.Computer object type and populate it from the SCX_OperatingSystem object in discovery objects.

  • Enable the discovery timer and change the timer from 60 to 14400 seconds.