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psctrl.exe reference


Applies to: FAST Search Server 2010

Use psctrl to alter settings, to retrieve statistics, and to view the status of a processor server.


To use a command-line tool, verify that you meet the following minimum requirements: You are a member of the FASTSearchAdministrators local group on the computer where FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint is installed.


<FASTSearchFolder>\bin\psctrl [options] <command>


Parameter Description


The path of the folder where you have installed FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint, for example C:\FASTSearch.

Unless a specific processor server is specified with the -P option, the given command will be sent to all running processor servers in the system. For commands that alter a setting in the processor server (doctrace, memprofile, debug), the setting will only be effective until the setting is altered again or the processor server process is restarted.

All options and commands are optional.

psctrl options

Option Value Description


Displays help information.


Displays version information.



Specifies the configuration server host name and port number.

The default host name and port are loaded from <FASTSearchFolder>\etc\CSLocation.xml.



Runs the command only for the processor server specified by the host name and port.

psctrl commands

Command Value Description

doctrace on


On: Enables item tracing to the internal item log. The processor server logs all changes that are made to attributes in an item to an internal item log.

Use the doclog command to retrieve the internal item log from a processor server.


Item tracing is only enabled until the processor is restarted.

Off: Disables item tracing.

debug on


On: Sets the processor server to log at the debug level.


Enabling debug logging generates many log messages and may affect the performance of the processor server.

Off: Logs at the regular level.


Sends a ping message to the processor server to check whether it is responding. Returns an error message if a processor server does not respond.


Retrieves the status from the processor server.


Gets statistics from the processor server.

Statistics include timing information and the number of processing errors for each item processing stage within the processor server. If the memprofile command was previously run to enable memory profiling, the statistics also include the memory usage for each stage.


Resets the processor server and re-initializes item processing stages. Also resets internal item logs and statistics.


Terminates the processor server process.

memprofile on


On: Enables memory profiling for processors and pipelines. Memory profiling information also appears with the statistics command.


Enabling memory profiling affects the performance of the processor server.

Off: Disables memory profiling.


Writes a memory leak report to stderr. Output from stderr is stored in <FASTSearchFolder>\var\log\procserver\*.scrap files.


Flushes the internal state of item processing stages. Also resets all internal item logs and statistics.


The following example enables item tracing on all processor servers:

<FASTSearchFolder>\bin\psctrl doctrace on

The following example resets all processor servers:

<FASTSearchFolder>\bin\psctrl reset

The following example checks which processor servers are responding:

<FASTSearchFolder>\bin\psctrl ping