MED-V Deployment and Configuration
This section describes Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization (MED-V) deployment and configuration and includes the following:
MED-V Installation Prerequisites Describes the prerequisites required before installing MED-V.
Supported Configurations Describes the supported configurations for both MED-V 1.0 and MED-V 1.0 SP1.
Installation and Upgrade Checklists Provides the installation checklist for MED-V 1.0 and an upgrade checklist for MED-V 1.0 SP1.
Installing and Configuring MED-V Components Provides procedures for installing and configuring the MED-V server, image repository, MED-V client, and MED-V management console, and the procedure for uninstalling the MED-V components.
Creating a Virtual PC Image for MED-V Describes how to create and configure a VPC image for MED-V.
Creating a MED-V Workspace Describes how to create a MED-V workspace.
Configuring MED-V Workspace Policies Describes how to configure MED-V workspace policies.
Configuring MED-V for Remote Networks Describes how to configure MED-V to work from inside a network, remotely, or both from inside the network and remotely.
Configuring MED-V Server for Cluster Mode Describes how to configure MED-V server using two servers and place all files mutual to both servers on a file system.