How to Use a Command Prompt to Uninstall Essentials

Applies To: System Center Essentials 2010

You might prefer to use a command line to uninstall System Center Essentials 2010. This approach can be useful if you want to uninstall Essentials 2010 without user intervention.

The program used to install and uninstall Essentials 2010 from a command line is SetupSCE.exe. This .exe file exists in the installation folder of the product CD. The various switches you can use with SetupSCE.exe are described in the following sections. Command-line switches can be provided in any order.

Using the Command Line to Uninstall Essentials 2010 Components

The following table describes the parameters you can use with SetupSCE.exe to uninstall Essentials components.

Switch Required Description

/Path: <path>


The local location of the Essentials Setup.exe file.

The default is the Setup.exe path.



The switch used to uninstall the product without displaying any user interface.


See description

Essentials Server Installation:

  • Required: Server, UI

  • Optional: Reporting, VM

Essentials Reporting Installation:

  • Required: Reporting

Essentials Console-only Installation:

  • Required: UI

When specifying more than one parameter, separate each with a comma and no spaces. Parameters are case-sensitive.



Retains data.



Retains the database except for VirtualManagerDB.



Uninstall the product.

Example: Uninstall Essentials and all components silently


Use the following example to uninstall System Center Essentials and all components.


SetupSCE.exe /Silent /Components:Server,UI,Reporting,VM /Uninstall

See Also

Other Resources

Uninstall System Center Essentials 2010
How to Use a Command Prompt to Install System Center Essentials 2010