SQL Server, Memory Node object

Applies to: SQL Server

The Memory Node object in Microsoft SQL Server provides counters to monitor server memory usage on NUMA nodes.

Memory Node counters

This table describes the SQL Server Memory Node counters.

SQL Server Memory Manager counters Description
Database Node Memory (KB) Specifies the amount of memory the server is currently using on this node for database pages.
Foreign Node Memory (KB) Specifies the amount of non NUMA-local memory on this node.
Free Node Memory (KB) Specifies the amount of memory the server is not using on this node.
Stolen Memory Node (KB) Specifies the amount of memory the server is using on this node for purposes other than database pages.
Target Node Memory Specifies the ideal amount of memory for this node.
Total Node Memory Indicates the total amount of memory the server has committed on this node.


You begin to explore the query performance counters in this object using this T-SQL query on the sys.dm_os_performance_counters dynamic management view:

SELECT * FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters
WHERE object_name LIKE '%Memory Node%';