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Help Desk Script


Topic Last Modified: 2011-03-08

The script in this topic guides you through the following steps:

  1. Open the service call.

  2. Identify the problem the user is having.

  3. Select the problem category.

After you select the problem category, from the category page, do the following:

  1. Select the issue the user is having or the task he or she is trying to accomplish.

  2. Use the information provided to resolve the user’s problem.

Step 1: Open the Call.

The beginning of the call is important because it sets the tone for the entire call. Your organization might require you to use an official opening or greeting script to start the call. Regardless of the opening you use, you must create a positive and welcoming atmosphere for the caller. Be sincere and appropriate. For example:

Help Desk Agent: "Thank you for calling [your organization or group name]. My name is [your first name]. May I have your name, please?"

After receiving the customer’s name:

Help Desk Agent: "Thank you, [customers' name]. How can I help you today?"

Step 2: Identify the Problem the User Is Having.

Make sure that you fully understand the problem the user is having. Restate the problem in your own words so that it is clear to both of you, as in the following example:

End User: "Yes ... I have this page on my computer that is requesting some information for me to log on. Would that be my network credentials?"

Help Desk Agent: "I'll be happy to help, but let me make sure I understand what is happening. You are invited to join a meeting, and when you click the link in your meeting request, it directs you to a logon page and requests some information. Is that correct?"

Steps 3: Select the Problem Category.

In the following table, click the link for the problem category to see the common issues and tasks for that area. The Primary Client column is for Microsoft Lync 2010.