Install the Gateway and Agent from the Command Line

Use the following procedure to install the on-premise software for System Center Advisor from the command line. You do this by using a command and parameters provided with the on-premise software Setup program. You can also create a script that uses these commands to distribute and install the on-premise software across your environment.

If you have problems with installation, you can use the built-in logging functionality of the Windows Installer to obtain more information.

To install the gateway from the command line

  1. From the command line, change to the directory where you downloaded the Advisor Setup program (AdvisorSetup.exe).

  2. Run the following command:

    AdvisorSetup.exe <string>

    Where <string> is a string of Windows Installer installation parameters. This string can include standard Windows Installer parameters such as /qb as well as custom properties specific to Advisor. For standard Windows Installer parameters, type MSIexec.exe /?

    You can specify the following custom installation parameters for Advisor by setting [PROPERTY=value].

      Indicates whether to install the agent. Value can be either YES or NO.
      Indicates whether to install the gateway. Value can be either YES or NO.
      A string that identifies the installation directory. If no directory is specified, the default is %programfiles%\System Center Advisor.
      A string that identifies the directory where the registration certificate is located.
      A string that identifies the DNS name for the proxy server the gateway should use to access the Internet. If you specify this parameter, you must also specify the PROXY_PORT.
      An integer that identifies the port for the proxy server. If you specify this parameter, you must also specify the PROXY_SERVER.
      A string that identifies the DNS name of the gateway server that the agent will use.
      Determines whether to restrict access to the gateway to pre-authorized agents only. Value can be either YES or NO. If you choose to restrict access, you must add your agents’ computer accounts to the Allowed Advisor Agents local group on the gateway. See Authorize Agents to Access the Gateway for information on how to do this.

    To view the full usage for AdvisorSetup.exe, type AdvisorSetup.exe /?.

    For example, to install a gateway that uses myproxy proxy server and proxy port 80 and restricts agent access, run the following command:

    AdvisorSetup.exe /l*v c:\temp\AdvisorLog.txt /qn INSTALL_GATEWAY=YES REG_CERT_PATH=\\FileSrv1\Advisor\cert.pfx  PROXY_SERVER=myproxy PROXY_PORT=80 SECURE_AGENT_ACCESS=YES

    Or, to install an agent that communicates with AdvGatewaySrv1 gateway, run the following command:

    AdvisorSetup.exe /l*v /qn INSTALL_AGENT=YES GATEWAY_SERVER=AdvGatewaySrv1


    In the gateway example, the location and filename for the log file is explicitly defined; in the agent example, the log file is written to the default location, the $temp directory (for example, C:\Users&lt;username>\AppData\Local\Temp), and the filename is prefaced with “AdvisorSetupMSILog.”

See Also


Install the Gateway and Agents from the Setup Wizard
Authorize Agents to Access the Gateway


Deploy System Center Advisor