Organization entity attributes
Applies To: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016, Dynamics CRM Online
The following information is for the organization entity in a default, uncustomized installation of Microsoft Dynamics 365. The schema name and early bound class for this entity is Organization. The Web API uses organization EntityType.
The values set for these attributes control behaviors for the organization. They are usually set via the organization settings page in the application.
These attributes may refer to planned capabilities for future versions, deprecated capabilities, or capabilities not available for your deployment type. Don’t experiment by changing these values programmatically unless you understand how they apply to your organization.
Editable organization attributes
Read-only attributes
The following table shows the editable attributes for the organization entity.
Attribute Schema Name |
Display Name |
Type |
Description |
AcknowledgementTemplateId |
Acknowledgement Template |
Lookup |
ID of the template to be used for acknowledgement when a user unsubscribes. |
AllowAddressBookSyncs |
Allow Address Book Synchronization |
Boolean |
Indicates whether background address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook is allowed. |
AllowAutoResponseCreation |
Allow Automatic Response Creation |
Boolean |
Indicates whether automatic response creation is allowed. |
AllowAutoUnsubscribe |
Allow Automatic Unsubscribe |
Boolean |
Indicates whether automatic unsubscribe is allowed. |
AllowAutoUnsubscribeAcknowledgement |
Allow Automatic Unsubscribe Acknowledgement |
Boolean |
Indicates whether automatic unsubscribe acknowledgement email is allowed to be sent. |
AllowClientMessageBarAd |
Allow Outlook Client Message Bar Advertisement |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook message bar advertisement is allowed. |
AllowEntityOnlyAudit |
Allow Entity Level Auditing |
Boolean |
Indicates whether auditing of changes to an entity is allowed when no attributes have changed. |
AllowMarketingEmailExecution |
Allow Marketing Email Execution |
Boolean |
Indicates whether marketing emails execution is allowed. |
AllowOfflineScheduledSyncs |
Allow Offline Scheduled Synchronization |
Boolean |
Indicates whether background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook is allowed. |
AllowOutlookScheduledSyncs |
Allow Scheduled Synchronization |
Boolean |
Indicates whether scheduled synchronizations to Outlook are allowed. |
AllowUnresolvedPartiesOnEmailSend |
Allow Unresolved Address Email Send |
Boolean |
Indicates whether users are allowed to send email to unresolved parties (parties must still have an email address). |
AllowUserFormModePreference |
Allow User Form Mode Preference |
Boolean |
Indicates whether individuals can select their form mode preference in their personal options. |
AllowUsersSeeAppdownloadMessage |
Allow the showing tablet application notification bars in a browser. |
Boolean |
Indicates whether showing tablet application notification bars in a browser is allowed. |
AllowWebExcelExport |
Allow Export to Excel |
Boolean |
Indicates whether web-based export of grids to Microsoft Office Excel is allowed. |
AMDesignator |
AM Designator |
String |
AM designator to use throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
AutoApplyDefaultonCaseCreate |
Auto Apply Default Entitlement on Case Create |
Boolean |
Select whether to automatically apply the default customer entitlement on case creation. |
AutoApplyDefaultonCaseUpdate |
Auto Apply Default Entitlement on Case Update |
Boolean |
Select whether to automatically apply the default customer entitlement on case update. |
AutoApplySLA |
Apply SLA After Manual Override |
Boolean |
Select whether to automatically apply a service level agreement (SLA) on a case record update after the SLA was manually applied. |
AzureSchedulerJobCollectionName |
Azure Scheduler Job Collection Name |
String |
Type a name for the Azure Scheduler job collection. |
BaseCurrencyId |
Currency |
Lookup |
ID of the base currency of the organization. |
BaseCurrencyPrecision |
Base Currency Precision |
Integer |
Number of decimal places that can be used for the base currency. |
BaseCurrencySymbol |
Base Currency Symbol |
String |
Symbol used for the base currency. |
BaseISOCurrencyCode |
Base ISO Currency Code |
String |
Base ISO currency code. |
BingMapsApiKey |
Bing Maps API Key |
String |
API key to be used in requests to Bing Maps services. |
BlockedAttachments |
Block Attachments |
String |
Prevent upload or download of certain attachment types that are considered dangerous. |
BulkOperationPrefix |
Bulk Operation Prefix |
String |
Prefix used for bulk operation numbering. |
BusinessClosureCalendarId |
Business Closure Calendar |
Unique identifier |
ID of the business closure calendar of organization. |
CalendarType |
Calendar Type |
Integer |
Calendar type for the system. Set to Gregorian US by default. |
CampaignPrefix |
Campaign Prefix |
String |
Prefix used for campaign numbering. |
CascadeStatusUpdate |
Cascade Status Update |
Boolean |
Flag to cascade update on incident (case). |
CasePrefix |
Case Prefix |
String |
Prefix to use for all cases throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
ContractPrefix |
Contract Prefix |
String |
Prefix to use for all contracts throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
CortanaProactiveExperienceEnabled |
Enable Task Flows for Cortana |
Boolean |
Select whether to turn on task flows for Cortana for this organization. |
CreatedBy |
Created By |
Lookup |
ID of the user who created the organization. |
CreatedOn |
Created On |
DateTime |
Date and time when the organization was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy |
Created By (Delegate) |
Lookup |
ID of the delegate user who created the organization. |
CreateProductsWithoutParentInActiveState |
Enable Active Initial Product State |
Boolean |
Enable Initial state of newly created products to be Active instead of Draft. |
CurrencyDecimalPrecision |
Currency Decimal Precision |
Integer |
Number of decimal places that can be used for currency. |
CurrencyDisplayOption |
Display Currencies Using |
Picklist |
Indicates whether to display money fields with currency code or currency symbol. |
CurrencyFormatCode |
Currency Format Code |
Picklist |
Information about how currency symbols are placed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
CurrencySymbol |
Currency Symbol |
String |
Symbol used for currency throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
CurrentBulkOperationNumber |
Current Bulk Operation Number |
Integer |
Current bulk operation number. |
CurrentCampaignNumber |
Current Campaign Number |
Integer |
Current campaign number. |
CurrentCaseNumber |
Current Case Number |
Integer |
First case number to use. |
CurrentContractNumber |
Current Contract Number |
Integer |
First contract number to use. |
CurrentImportSequenceNumber |
Current Import Sequence Number |
Integer |
Import sequence to use. |
CurrentInvoiceNumber |
Current Invoice Number |
Integer |
First invoice number to use. |
CurrentKaNumber |
Current Knowledge Article Number |
Integer |
Enter the first number to use for knowledge articles. |
CurrentKbNumber |
Current Article Number |
Integer |
First article number to use. |
CurrentOrderNumber |
Current Order Number |
Integer |
First order number to use. |
CurrentParsedTableNumber |
Current Parsed Table Number |
Integer |
First parsed table number to use. |
CurrentQuoteNumber |
Current Quote Number |
Integer |
First quote number to use. |
DateFormatCode |
Date Format Code |
Picklist |
Information about how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
DateFormatString |
Date Format String |
String |
String showing how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
DateSeparator |
Date Separator |
String |
Character used to separate the month, the day, and the year in dates throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
DecimalSymbol |
Decimal Symbol |
String |
Symbol used for decimal in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
DefaultCountryCode |
Default Country/Region Code |
String |
Text area to enter the default country/region code. |
DefaultMobileOfflineProfileId |
Default Mobile Offline Profile |
Lookup |
Enter the default mobile offline profile. |
DefaultThemeData |
Default Theme Data |
Memo |
Default theme data for the organization. |
DefaultEmailServerProfileId |
Email Server Profile |
Lookup |
ID of the default email server profile. |
DefaultEmailSettings |
Default Email Settings |
String |
XML string containing the default email settings that are applied when a user or queue is created. |
DefaultRecurrenceEndRangeType |
Default Recurrence End Range Type |
Picklist |
Type of default recurrence end range date. |
DisableSocialCare |
Is Social Care disabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether Social Care is disabled. |
DisabledReason |
Disabled Reason |
String |
Reason for disabling the organization. |
DiscountCalculationMethod |
Discount calculation method |
Picklist |
Discount calculation method for the QOOI product. |
DisplayNavigationTour |
Display Navigation Tour |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the navigation tour is displayed. |
EmailConnectionChannel |
Email Connection Channel |
Picklist |
Select if you want to use the Email Router or server-side synchronization for email processing. |
EmailCorrelationEnabled |
Use Email Correlation |
Boolean |
Flag to turn email correlation on or off. |
EmailSendPollingPeriod |
Email Send Polling Frequency |
Integer |
Normal polling frequency used for sending email in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
EnableBingMapsIntegration |
Enable Integration with Bing Maps |
Boolean |
Enable integration with Bing Maps. |
EnablePricingOnCreate |
Enable Pricing On Create |
Boolean |
Enable pricing calculations on a Create call. |
EnableSmartMatching |
Enable Smart Matching |
Boolean |
Use Smart Matching. |
EnforceReadOnlyPlugins |
Organization setting to enforce read only plugins. |
Boolean |
Organization setting to enforce read-only plug-ins. |
ExpireChangeTrackingInDays |
Days to Expire Change Tracking Deleted Records |
Integer |
Maximum number of days to keep change tracking deleted records. |
ExpireSubscriptionsInDays |
Days to Expire Subscriptions |
Integer |
Maximum number of days before deleting inactive subscriptions. |
FeatureSet |
Feature Set |
String |
Features to be enabled as an XML BLOB. |
FiscalCalendarStart |
Fiscal Calendar Start |
DateTime |
Start date for the fiscal period that is to be used throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
FiscalPeriodFormat |
Fiscal Period Format |
String |
Information that specifies how the name of the fiscal period is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
FiscalPeriodFormatPeriod |
Format for Fiscal Period |
Picklist |
Format in which the fiscal period will be displayed. |
FiscalPeriodType |
Fiscal Period Type |
Integer |
Type of fiscal period used throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
FiscalSettingsUpdated |
Is Fiscal Settings Updated |
Boolean |
Information that specifies whether the fiscal settings have been updated. |
FiscalYearDisplayCode |
Fiscal Year Display |
Integer |
Information that specifies whether the fiscal year should be displayed based on the start date or the end date of the fiscal year. |
FiscalYearFormat |
Fiscal Year Format |
String |
Information that specifies how the name of the fiscal year is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
FiscalYearFormatPrefix |
Prefix for Fiscal Year |
Picklist |
Prefix for the display of the fiscal year. |
FiscalYearFormatSuffix |
Suffix for Fiscal Year |
Picklist |
Suffix for the display of the fiscal year. |
FiscalYearFormatYear |
Fiscal Year Format Year |
Picklist |
Format for the year. |
FiscalYearPeriodConnect |
Fiscal Year Period Connector |
String |
Information that specifies how the names of the fiscal year and the fiscal period should be connected when displayed together. |
FullNameConventionCode |
Full Name Display Order |
Picklist |
Order in which names are to be displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
FutureExpansionWindow |
Future Expansion Window |
Integer |
Specifies the maximum number of months in future for which the recurring activities can be created. |
GenerateAlertsForErrors |
Generate Alerts For Errors |
Boolean |
Indicates whether alerts will be generated for errors. |
GenerateAlertsForInformation |
Generate Alerts For Information |
Boolean |
Indicates whether alerts will be generated for information. |
GenerateAlertsForWarnings |
Generate Alerts For Warnings |
Boolean |
Indicates whether alerts will be generated for warnings. |
GetStartedPaneContentEnabled |
Is Get Started Pane Content Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether Get Started content is enabled for this organization. |
GlobalAppendUrlParametersEnabled |
Is AppendUrl Parameters enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether append help URL parameters is enabled. |
GlobalHelpUrl |
Global Help URL. |
Boolean |
URL for the global help web page. |
GlobalHelpUrlEnabled |
Is Customizable Global Help enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the customizable global help is enabled. |
GoalRollupExpiryTime |
Rollup Expiration Time for Goal |
Integer |
Number of days after the goal's end date after which the rollup of the goal stops automatically. |
GoalRollupFrequency |
Automatic Rollup Frequency for Goal |
Integer |
Number of hours between automatic rollup jobs . |
HashDeltaSubjectCount |
Hash Delta Subject Count |
Integer |
Maximum difference allowed between subject keywords count of the email messaged to be correlated. |
HashFilterKeywords |
Hash Filter Keywords |
String |
Filter subject keywords. |
HashMaxCount |
Hash Max Count |
Integer |
Maximum number of subject keywords or recipients used for correlation. |
HashMinAddressCount |
Hash Min Address Count |
Integer |
Minimum number of recipients required to match for email messaged to be correlated |
HighContrastThemeData |
High contrast Theme Data |
Memo |
High contrast theme data for the organization. |
IgnoreInternalEmail |
Ignore Internal Email |
Boolean |
Indicates whether incoming email sent by internal Microsoft Dynamics 365 users or queues should be tracked. |
IncomingEmailExchangeEmailRetrievalBatchSize |
Exchange Email Retrieval Batch Size |
Integer |
Setting for the Async Service Mailbox Queue. Defines the retrieval batch size of exchange server. |
InitialVersion |
Initial Version |
String |
Initial version of the organization. |
IntegrationUserId |
Integration User |
Unique identifier |
ID of the integration user for the organization. |
InvoicePrefix |
Invoice Prefix |
String |
Prefix to use for all invoice numbers throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
IsAppMode |
Is Application Mode Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether loading of Microsoft Dynamics 365 in a browser window that does not have address, tool, and menu bars is enabled. |
IsAppointmentAttachmentSyncEnabled |
Is Attachment Sync Enabled |
Indicates whether attachments sync for Microsoft Outlook and Exchange is enabled. |
IsAssignedTasksSyncEnabled |
Is Assigned Tasks Sync Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether assigned tasks sync for Microsoft Outlook and Exchange is enabled. |
IsAuditEnabled |
Is Auditing Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether auditing of changes is enabled. |
IsAutoSaveEnabled |
Auto Save Enabled |
Boolean |
Information on whether auto save is enabled. |
IsContactMailingAddressSyncEnabled |
Is Mailing Address Sync Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether mailing address sync for Microsoft Outlook and Exchange is enabled. |
IsDefaultCountryCodeCheckEnabled |
Enable or disable country/region code selection |
Boolean |
Indicates whether country/region code selection is enabled. |
IsDisabled |
Is Organization Disabled |
Boolean |
Information that specifies whether the organization is disabled. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabled |
Is Duplicate Detection Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether duplicate detection of records is enabled. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForImport |
Is Duplicate Detection Enabled For Import |
Boolean |
Indicates whether duplicate detection of records during import is enabled. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForOfflineSync |
Is Duplicate Detection Enabled For Offline Synchronization |
Boolean |
Indicates whether duplicate detection of records during offline synchronization is enabled. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForOnlineCreateUpdate |
Is Duplicate Detection Enabled for Online Create/Update |
Boolean |
Indicates whether duplicate detection during online create or update is enabled. |
IsExternalSearchIndexEnabled |
Enable External Search Data Synchronization |
Boolean |
Select whether data can be synchronized with an external search index. |
IsFiscalPeriodMonthBased |
Is Fiscal Period Monthly |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the fiscal period is displayed as the month number. |
IsFolderBasedTrackingEnabled |
Is Folder Based Tracking Enabled |
Boolean |
Enable or disable folder based tracking for server-side synchronization. |
IsFullTextSearchEnabled |
Enable Full-text search for Quick Find |
Boolean |
Indicates whether full-text search for Quick Find entities should be enabled for the organization. |
IsHierarchicalSecurityModelEnabled |
Enable Hierarchical Security Model |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the hierarchical security model is enabled. |
IsMailboxForcedUnlockingEnabled |
Is Mailbox Forced Unlocking Enabled |
Boolean |
Enable or disable forced unlocking for Server Side Sync mailboxes. |
IsMailboxInactiveBackoffEnabled |
Is Mailbox Keep Alive Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether mailbox keep alive for server side sync is enabled. |
IsMobileOfflineEnabled |
Enable Mobile Offline |
Boolean |
Select whether mobile offline synchronization is enabled for this organization. |
IsOfficeGraphEnabled |
Enable Office Graph |
Boolean |
Select whether to turn on Office Graph for the organization. |
IsOneDriveEnabled |
Enable OneDrive for Business |
Boolean |
Select whether to turn on OneDrive for Business for the organization. |
IsPresenceEnabled |
Presence Enabled |
Boolean |
Information on whether IM presence is enabled. |
IsSOPIntegrationEnabled |
Is Sales Order Integration Enabled |
Boolean |
Enable sales order processing integration. |
IsUserAccessAuditEnabled |
Is User Access Auditing Enabled |
Boolean |
Enable or disable auditing of user access. |
ISVIntegrationCode |
ISV Integration Mode |
Picklist |
Indicates whether loading of Microsoft Dynamics 365 in a browser window that does not have address, tool, and menu bars is enabled. |
KaPrefix |
Knowledge Article Prefix |
String |
Type the prefix to use for all knowledge articles in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
KbPrefix |
Article Prefix |
String |
Prefix to use for all articles in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
KMSettings |
Knowledge Management Settings |
String |
XML string containing the Knowledge Management settings that are applied in Knowledge Management. |
LanguageCode |
Language |
Integer |
Preferred language for the organization. |
LocaleId |
Locale |
Integer |
ID of the locale of the organization. |
LongDateFormatCode |
Long Date Format |
Integer |
Information that specifies how the Long Date format is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
MailboxIntermittentIssueMinRange |
Lower Threshold For Mailbox Intermittent Issue |
Integer |
Lower Threshold For Mailbox Intermittent Issue. |
MailboxPermanentIssueMinRange |
Lower Threshold For Mailbox Permanent Issue. |
Integer |
Lower Threshold For Mailbox Permanent Issue. |
MaxAppointmentDurationDays |
Max Appointment Duration |
Integer |
Maximum number of days an appointment can last. |
MaximumActiveBusinessProcessFlowsAllowedPerEntity |
Maximum active business process flows per entity |
Integer |
Maximum number of active business process flows allowed per entity |
MaxDepthForHierarchicalSecurityModel |
Maximum depth for hierarchy security propagation. |
Integer |
Maximum depth for hierarchy security propagation. |
MaxFolderBasedTrackingMappings |
Max Folder Based Tracking Mappings |
Integer |
Maximum number of Folder Based Tracking mappings user can add. |
MaximumDynamicPropertiesAllowed |
Product Properties Item Limit |
Integer |
Maximum number of product properties for a product family or bundle. |
MaximumTrackingNumber |
Max Tracking Number |
Integer |
Maximum tracking number before recycling takes place. |
MaxProductsInBundle |
Bundle Item Limit |
Integer |
Maximum number of items in a bundle. |
MaxRecordsForExportToExcel |
Max Records For Excel Export |
Integer |
Maximum number of records that will be exported to a static Microsoft Office Excel worksheet when exporting from the grid. |
MaxRecordsForLookupFilters |
Max Records Filter Selection |
Integer |
Maximum number of lookup and picklist records that can be selected by user for filtering. |
MaxSupportedInternetExplorerVersion |
Max supported IE version |
Integer |
The maximum version of Internet Explorer to run browser emulation for in Dynamics 365 for Outlook. |
MaxUploadFileSize |
Max Upload File Size |
Integer |
Maximum allowed size of an attachment. |
MetadataSyncLastTimeOfNeverExpiredDeletedObjects |
The last date/time for never expired metadata tracking deleted objects |
DateTime |
What is the last date/time where there are metadata tracking deleted objects that have never been outside of the expiration period. |
MetadataSyncTimestamp |
Metadata sync version |
BigInt |
Contains the maximum version number for attributes used by metadata synchronization that have changed. |
MinAddressBookSyncInterval |
Min Address Synchronization Frequency |
Integer |
Normal polling frequency used for address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
MinOfflineSyncInterval |
Min Offline Synchronization Frequency |
Integer |
Normal polling frequency used for background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
MinOutlookSyncInterval |
Min Synchronization Frequency |
Integer |
Minimum allowed time between scheduled Outlook synchronizations. |
MobileClientMashupEnabled |
Is Mobile Client Mashup enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the mobile client mashup is enabled. |
MobileOfflineSyncInterval |
Synchronization Interval for Mobile Offline |
Integer |
Enter the frequency, in seconds, that mobile offline data will be synchronized with the server. |
ModifiedBy |
Modified By |
Lookup |
ID of the user who last modified the organization. |
ModifiedOn |
Modified On |
DateTime |
Date and time when the organization was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy |
Modified By (Delegate) |
Lookup |
ID of the delegate user who last modified the organization. |
Name |
Organization Name |
String |
Name of the organization. The name is set when Microsoft Dynamics 365 is installed and should not be changed. |
NegativeCurrencyFormatCode |
Negative Currency Format |
Integer |
Information that specifies how negative currency numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
NegativeFormatCode |
Negative Format |
Picklist |
Information that specifies how negative numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
NextCustomObjectTypeCode |
Next Entity Type Code |
Integer |
Next entity type code to use for custom entities. |
NextTrackingNumber |
Next Tracking Number |
Integer |
Next token to be placed on the subject line of an email message. |
NotifyMailboxOwnerOfEmailServerLevelAlerts |
Notify Mailbox Owner Of Email Server Level Alerts |
Boolean |
Indicates whether mailbox owners will be notified of email server profile level alerts. |
NumberFormat |
Number Format |
String |
Specification of how numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
NumberGroupFormat |
Number Grouping Format |
String |
Specifies how numbers are grouped in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
NumberSeparator |
Number Separator |
String |
Symbol used for number separation in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
OfficeGraphDelveUrl |
Delve URL |
String |
Type the URL that the organization will use to open Delve. |
OOBPriceCalculationEnabled |
Enable OOB Price calculation |
Boolean |
Enable out-of-the-box pricing calculation logic for the opportunity, quote, order and invoice entities. |
OrderPrefix |
Order Prefix |
String |
Prefix to use for all orders throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
OrganizationId |
Organization |
Unique identifier |
ID of the organization. |
OrgDbOrgSettings |
Organization Database Organization Settings |
String |
Organization settings stored in Organization Database. |
ParsedTableColumnPrefix |
Parsed Table Column Prefix |
String |
Prefix used for parsed table columns. |
ParsedTablePrefix |
Parsed Table Prefix |
String |
Prefix used for parsed tables. |
PastExpansionWindow |
Past Expansion Window |
Integer |
Specifies the maximum number of months in past for which the recurring activities can be created. |
PinpointLanguageCode |
Pinpoint Language Code |
Integer |
Language code to use for Pinpoint. |
PluginTraceLogSetting |
Plug-in Trace Log Setting |
Picklist |
Plug-in Trace Log Setting for the Organization. |
PMDesignator |
PM Designator |
String |
PM designator to use throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
PricingDecimalPrecision |
Pricing Decimal Precision |
Integer |
Number of decimal places that can be used for prices. |
PrivacyStatementUrl |
Privacy Statement URL |
String |
Privacy Statement URL |
PrivilegeUserGroupId |
Privilege User Group |
Unique identifier |
ID of the default privilege for users in the organization. |
QuickFindRecordLimitEnabled |
Quick Find Record Limit Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether a quick find record limit should be enabled for this organization (allows for faster Quick Find queries but prevents overly broad searches). |
QuotePrefix |
Quote Prefix |
String |
Prefix to use for all quotes throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
RecurrenceDefaultNumberOfOccurrences |
Recurrence Default Number of Occurrences |
Integer |
Specifies the default value for number of occurrences field in the recurrence dialog. |
RecurrenceExpansionJobBatchInterval |
Recurrence Expansion Job Batch Interval |
Integer |
Specifies the interval (in seconds) for pausing expansion job. |
RecurrenceExpansionJobBatchSize |
Recurrence Expansion On Demand Job Batch Size |
Integer |
Specifies the value for number of instances created in on demand job in one shot. |
RecurrenceExpansionSynchCreateMax |
Recurrence Expansion Synchronization Create Maximum |
Integer |
Specifies the maximum number of instances to be created synchronously after creating a recurring appointment. |
ReferenceSiteMapXml |
Reference SiteMap XML |
String |
XML string that defines the navigation structure for the application. This is the site map from the previously upgraded build and is used in a 3-way merge during upgrade. |
RenderSecureIFrameForEmail |
Render Secure Frame For Email |
Boolean |
Flag to render the body of email in the Web form in an IFRAME with the security='restricted' attribute set. This is additional security but can cause a credentials prompt. |
ReportScriptErrors |
Report Script Errors |
Picklist |
Picklist for selecting the organization preference for reporting scripting errors. |
RequireApprovalForQueueEmail |
Is Approval For Queue Email Required |
Boolean |
Indicates whether Send As Other User privilege is enabled. |
RequireApprovalForUserEmail |
Is Approval For User Email Required |
Boolean |
Indicates whether Send As Other User privilege is enabled. |
RestrictStatusUpdate |
Restrict Status Update |
Boolean |
Indicates whether to restrict update on incident. |
SampleDataImportId |
Sample Data Import |
Unique identifier |
ID of the sample data import job. |
SchemaNamePrefix |
Customization Name Prefix |
String |
Prefix used for custom entities and attributes. |
SharePointDeploymentType |
Choose SharePoint Deployment Type |
Picklist |
Indicates which SharePoint deployment type is configured for Server to Server. (Online or On-Premises) |
ShareToPreviousOwnerOnAssign |
Share To Previous Owner On Assign |
Boolean |
Information that specifies whether to share to previous owner on assign. |
ShowKBArticleDeprecationNotification |
Show KB Article Deprecation Message |
Boolean |
Select whether to display a KB article deprecation notification to the user. |
ShowWeekNumber |
Show Week Number |
Boolean |
Information that specifies whether to display the week number in calendar displays throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
SignupOutlookDownloadFWLink |
CRMForOutlookDownloadURL |
String |
Specifies the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook download URL. |
SiteMapXml |
SiteMap XML |
Memo |
XML string that defines the navigation structure for the application. |
SlaPauseStates |
SLA pause states |
String |
Contains the on hold case status values. |
SocialInsightsEnabled |
Social Insights Enabled |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the organization is using social insights. |
SocialInsightsInstance |
Social Insights instance identifier |
String |
Identifier for the Social Insights instance for the organization. |
SocialInsightsTermsAccepted |
Social Insights Terms of Use |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the organization has accepted the Social Insights terms of use. |
SQMEnabled |
Is SQM Enabled |
Boolean |
Setting for SQM data collection, 0 no, 1 yes enabled |
SupportUserId |
Support User |
Unique identifier |
ID of the support user for the organization. |
SuppressSLA |
Is SLA suppressed |
Boolean |
Indicates whether SLA is suppressed. |
SystemUserId |
System User |
Unique identifier |
ID of the system user for the organization. |
TagMaxAggressiveCycles |
Auto-Tag Max Cycles |
Integer |
Maximum number of aggressive polling cycles executed for email auto-tagging when a new email is received. |
TagPollingPeriod |
Auto-Tag Interval |
Integer |
Normal polling frequency used for email receive auto-tagging in Outlook. |
TaskBasedFlowEnabled |
Enable Task Flows |
Boolean |
Select whether to turn on task flows for the organization. |
TimeFormatCode |
Time Format Code |
Picklist |
Information that specifies how the time is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
TimeFormatString |
Time Format String |
String |
Text for how time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
TimeSeparator |
Time Separator |
String |
Text for how the time separator is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
TokenExpiry |
Token Expiration Duration |
Integer |
Duration used for token expiration. |
TokenKey |
Token Key |
String |
Token key. |
TrackingPrefix |
Tracking Prefix |
String |
History list of tracking token prefixes. |
TrackingTokenIdBase |
Tracking Token Base |
Integer |
Base number used to provide separate tracking token identifiers to users belonging to different deployments. |
TrackingTokenIdDigits |
Tracking Token Digits |
Integer |
Number of digits used to represent a tracking token identifier. |
UniqueSpecifierLength |
Unique String Length |
Integer |
Number of characters appended to invoice, quote, and order numbers. |
UseLegacyRendering |
Legacy Form Rendering |
Boolean |
Select whether to use legacy form rendering. |
UserAccessAuditingInterval |
User Authentication Auditing Interval |
Integer |
The interval at which user access is checked for auditing. |
UseReadForm |
Use Read-Optimized Form |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the read-optimized form should be enabled for this organization. |
UserGroupId |
User Group |
Unique identifier |
ID of the default group of users in the organization. |
UseInbuiltRuleForDefaultPricelistSelection |
Use Inbuilt Rule For Default Pricelist Selection |
Boolean |
Indicates whether to use the inbuilt rule for the default pricelist. |
UsePositionHierarchy |
Use position hierarchy |
Boolean |
Indicates whether to use position hierarchy. |
UseSkypeProtocol |
User Skype Protocol |
Boolean |
Indicates default protocol selected for organization. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode |
UTC Conversion Time Zone Code |
Integer |
Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
V3CalloutConfigHash |
V3 Callout Hash |
String |
Hash of the Microsoft Dynamics 365 3.0 callout configuration file. |
VersionNumber |
Version Number |
BigInt |
Version number of the organization. |
WebResourceHash |
Web resource hash |
String |
Hash value of web resources. |
WeekStartDayCode |
Week Start Day Code |
Picklist |
Designated first day of the week throughout Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
YammerGroupId |
Yammer Group Id |
Integer |
Denotes the Yammer group ID. |
YammerNetworkPermalink |
Yammer Network Permalink |
String |
Denotes the Yammer network permalink |
YammerOAuthAccessTokenExpired |
Yammer OAuth Access Token Expired |
Boolean |
Denotes whether the OAuth access token for Yammer network has expired |
YammerPostMethod |
Internal Use Only |
Picklist |
For internal use only. |
YearStartWeekCode |
Year Start Week Code |
Integer |
Information that specifies how the first week of the year is specified in Microsoft Dynamics 365. |
The following table contains the attributes that are read-only.
Attribute logical name |
DaysSinceRecordLastModifiedMaxValue |
EntityImageId |
GrantAccessToNetworkService |
MaxVerboseLoggingMailbox |
MaxVerboseLoggingSyncCycles |
MobileOfflineMinLicenseProd |
MobileOfflineMinLicenseTrial |
Picture |
PrivReportingGroupId |
PrivReportingGroupName |
ReportingGroupId |
ReportingGroupName |
SortId |
SqlAccessGroupId |
SqlAccessGroupName |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber |
YammerPostMethod |
yammergroupid |
yammernetworkpermalink |
yammeroauthaccesstokenexpired |
yammerpostmethod |
Organization entities
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